Friday, September 9, 2022

QAnon and Queen Elizabeth II

You know I don't despise the QAnon cult because they are stupid. Hey, that's a given. I don't even despise them because they are delusional, because, quite frankly, hating someone because they are functionally insane should be beneath us all. No, What I truly loathe about these fuckers is their abject cruelty. That's right, I can, in my own way, excuse ignorance and craziness, but I can never abide those two things when they mix with a sadism so extreme it borders on being a crime against humanity.

Yesterday, right after it was announced Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom had passed away this message showed up on the social site, Telegram. "May she burn in hell for all eternity." Another read, "So happy the evil witch is dead."

Ahh, there is nothing quite like the internet--a place where you can say anything your twisted mind can think of free of all consequence and identity.

According to QAnon the Queen was part of that global child trafficking conspiracy that includes pedophilia, child sacrifice, and rituals that includes drinking the blood of babies. (That last one they stole from the Nazis who accused the Jews of the same sort of behavior.)

To make sure we don't forget it, another post read, "They are preparing the Black Mass and baby buffet as we sit here." It is unclear if the feast will be held at a Washington D.C. pizza joint, or another locale.

Of course, as all things QAnon do, the theories are sometimes at odds with each other. As one acolyte wrote, "She died several months ago. Remember she went through a transition, or whatever. That was the embalming process. CGI and body doubles are in place."  Another posted, "She's been CGI for a while now. Wonder why it is being announced now?" Speaking about the last official photo of the Queen, one cultist said, "Maybe that's the cleaning woman, but that isn't the woman who has been playing the Queen."

The notion the Queen has been dead for a long time isn't new. Various QAnon sources have posted about it for years now. Last fall, our old pal, Romana Didulo, the self proclaimed, Queen of Canada, told her followers, "Elizabeth II was shown the photo of true and real Queen before she was executed "

The true and real Queen wasn't identified, but the smart money is going to one place on that bet. Indeed, all hail Romana, Queen of Canada. It is not known at this time if her majesty, Romana will be attending Elizabeth's funeral, or not. 

Others, as they always do, are hinting the death of the British Monarch, somehow portends the return of Donald Trump to the presidency. According to one, the10 official days of mourning in the UK are the 10 days of darkness that someone predicted would lead up to the grand return of The Big Orange Guy to the White House. 

There is more. We haven't even touched on the Lizard People, "connection." That whole sub plot is probably best left for another day. After all you can't really dissect a novel, or play by Kafka in a single essay.

What we can say, however is there are those among us, as the late author Phil K. Dick, said, who appear like us. They eat, sleep, and talk like we do, but they are not human. They are, in fact, monsters.

God bless the soul of Elizabeth II.

And may God damn the cruel idiots who believe and spew all that QAnon shit.


1 comment:

  1. What we see with the internet and social media is how people can behave when all inhibitions are removed and there are no consequences to what you may say. My favorite saying the last few years has been, "Just because you can say, or do, something, does not mean that you should." I wonder if Mr. Trump and his supporters agree with me? I think I know the answer to that.
