Thursday, October 31, 2019

Ode to the Old Man

Even though the old man was born in Montreal, Quebec to Canadian parents his place of birth was a bit of a mistake. George and Alyce, his father and mother, had been living in Muskogee, Oklahoma for a number of years prior to his arrival. They would not become naturalized American citizens until 1939 and 1940.

In that August of 1924 they had traveled back to Montreal to visit relatives and escape the heat and humidity of northeastern Oklahoma. The old man surprised them by deciding to be born in the land of his ancestors. He was their second son and last child.

George, was of Irish descent and remained a Roman Catholic all his life. Alyce had been born outside of Leeds, England, but her parents brought her to Montreal when she was four years old. She was Church of England and insisted both her sons be raised in the Anglican tradition.

George, who would come to be called Dodie for reasons no one is completely sure of, agreed to the deal. Even so he made sure he and his wife were married in a Catholic church which is home to an Irish parish in southwest Montreal. Right next door, Montreal, being Montreal, there was, and still is another, slightly larger, Catholic church which serves the French speaking population living in the same neighborhood.

The old man's family was considered well to do. They were quite possibly in the top five percent when it came to income in Muskogee, which at the time was the third largest town in Oklahoma. There weren't any family traditions when it came to things like hunting, fishing, and camping. In fact Dodie wouldn't allow any firearms in his home, telling his youngest son, "No good ever came from a gun." The old man grew up taking that philosophy to heart. There would never be any guns in his homes, just as fishing, hunting, and camping were completely alien to his children as they grew up.

On the other hand the old man was an avid fan of team sports--nearly all of them as a matter of fact. He taught his first born son how to keep written scores of baseball games, an arcane code nearly lost in the 21st century. He also explained the minutiae of the sport. Even down to,"See the pitcher warming up? When he rolls his glove hand over like that he is telling his catcher a curve ball is coming."

He bought his first University of Oklahoma season football tickets in 1952. The seat numbers have changed, but he still has them. Later in life, during the spring and early summer, he would spend hours watching OU's women's softball team.

While he was in junior high school he and 14 friends formed a club, naming it, "The Mohawks." The club remained intact through his high school days. Included in their number was a kid who eventually became both a governor and U.S. senator from OK. Another would become a district judge. A third, the heir to a massive construction company, would be killed in the Pacific during WWII. He named his oldest son in honor of him. At age 95, the old man is the last surviving Mohawk.

In 1959 he moved his family to Oklahoma City so he could work in the administration of his Mohawk pal, J. Howard Edmondson. He would later spend decades in the liquor industry, working for an importer, then different local distributors. One store owner told me, "He is a great guy, but he never offers any kickbacks like a lot of the others do."

The date of his wedding remains a little murky because an elopement was involved. His bride to be had told him she was pregnant so he did the honorable thing. It turned out she really wasn't, but the first son did come within a year.

He served in the navy during WWII and was stationed on Guam when he learned of the death of his father. Because of the war and where he was he couldn't get back to Muskogee for Dodie's funeral. George was only 55 when he died of a massive heart attack.

By the early 1960's his wife had become a raging alcoholic who attempted suicide at least once. He refused to divorce her because he didn't want to leave her alone in charge of a houseful of kids--a rare display of devotion even back then.

She died of emphysema in 1997. Less than two years later his second son, a career print journalist, died of a heart attack. On the way to the funeral the old man lamented, "This isn't supposed to happen. You aren't supposed to outlive your children."

While more than capable of spewing racial epithets he taught his children to never pre judge a person by their race, or religion. He was a life long democrat who once said, "Democrats saved the republicans and everyone else in this country from communism in the 1930s." Despite this apparent passion for the left, he voted for Nixon twice, Reagan twice, Bush the elder once, and GW twice. His assessment of Donald Trump, who he didn't vote for, is succinct. "Why he's the craziest, lyingest, son of a bitch I've ever seen."

Over the nearly 70 years that I've known him he has proven himself to be incredibly loving, funny, and a wise and patient teacher. At times though, he has been known to spin off into profound fits of anger, and in a few instances, needless cruelty. Through much of his adult life profanity has been his preferred mode of communication. In short, as the line in the movie went, "He's just like any other man, only more so."

He is now stuck in a bed at a hospice waiting for the end. The doctors say it will come within two weeks, if not sooner. His bladder is eaten up with cancer and his kidneys are failing. Last night, while in and out of consciousness he watched game seven of the World Series. Although a life long Yankees fan, he was rooting for the Washington Nationals. They won 6-2.

The old man didn't teach me everything I know. He did, however, teach me every thing I've needed to know. At least about life. Along with my surviving brother and sisters, his grandchildren and great grandchildren, I will miss him dearly.

The world, or at least this small part of it, is about to be a lesser place.

sic vita est


Friday, October 25, 2019

Soviet Style Secret Meetings--American Style

Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and  integrity to the office. You couldn't live with yourself  knowing you were going to leave a perjuring judge on the bench. Ladies and gentlemen, as hard as it may be, for the same reasons, cleanse this office.

South Carolina republican Representative Lindsey Graham in 1999, speaking during Bill Clinton's impeachment proceedings.  

On Wednesday, led by Florida Representative, Matt Gaetz, about two dozen republicans invaded what is known as the Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility in the basement of the capitol building. Their stated purpose was to stop the, "Soviet style," secret impeachment proceedings against Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America.

Gaetz had tried this move by himself a week earlier and was hauled from the room kicking and squealing. On Wednesday he brought along his buddies and they all came in carrying their cell phones/cameras which is a direct violation of Congressional regulations regarding what is called the SCIF. The breach was deemed so egregious security officials had to sweep the room for listening devices delaying the testimony of witnesses.

After the republicans left, they were all, to a man, appalled no one was allowed to testify while they were there. We have a right, they complained en masse, to hear what is being said.

Actually, according to House rules, they don't and despite the faux outrage, not one republican has ever said, Adam Schiff and the democrats are breaking any of them. Later FOX News analyst, former Judge Andrew Napolitano explained this inconvenient bit of parliamentary fact to three of his colleagues on the air. He also stated the rules which Schiff and democrats were operating under were ones signed off on by former republican Speaker of the House John Boehner and approved by a GOP controlled house in January 2015.

Shortly after Napolitano's appearance Boehner, being Boehner, denied he ever approved of such goings on, once again trying to divert the argument away from Trump and toward the process.

It was left to freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez to finally tweet out what is currently happening in the SCIF. It is, she wrote, more akin to a Grand Jury rather than an some super secret Star Chamber. In other words it is an investigation gathering information which might, or might not lead to impeachment proceedings. And, as she pointed out, Grand Juries are always held in secret so witnesses and defendants can't compare notes, not to mention alibis, in advance of an actual trial.

Such subtleties are lost on people like Gaetz, GOP House members, and the fascist hordes who show up at Mr. Trump's rallies. They would prefer to scream about democrats attempting to overthrow the Chief Executive in secret rather than deal with the reality of the situation.

There are currently 103 members of Congress on the three different committees conducting the SCIF meetings. Of that number 47 are republicans. One of them, Rep. Mark Meadows, R-NC, told the Washington Post, both sides are allowed an unlimited number of questions they can ask each witness.

Ah yes, quite, "Soviet."

The inescapable truth here is the GOP caucus in Congress has no valid reason not to impeach and convict Donald Trump. For whatever reasons though, they have decided to fight for him. Some, no doubt, actually believe the conspiracy theories the hard right has grown so dependent on. Some might fear Trump's bombastic supporters and dread getting chucked out of office during the primaries. While the rest--who knows--perhaps it is cowardice, or a perceived cash flow problem if The Big Orange Guy is no longer around to look the other way. In any event the only possible defense they have right now is to attack a constitutional process which has been in place since the republic was founded.

Their wild rants present an ugly and corrupt tableau which is unfolding right in front of us on television and other media. It's one so corrosive it might even consume the idea of America.

All of which leads us to another couple of quotes by the young Mr. Graham. "You don't have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this Constitutional Republic," he said. Then he added, a President can be impeached if Congress decides his, "conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds."

Well, we can say many things about republicans and Lindsey Graham, but none of us can ever claim hypocrisy isn't one of their strong points.


Monday, October 21, 2019

A New Poll in Iowa: Buttigieg Closes the Gap, but Nothing is Settled

Dem polls, dem polls, dem new polls...

With apologies to James W. Johnson, J. Rosamond Johnson, and Fats Waller.

Yes we can't escape them, or at least the media won't let us. The latest political poll to hit the news comes from a survey taken and sponsored by Boston's Suffolk University and USA Today. It was limited in scope, based on 500 phone calls to Iowans who claim to be democrats and are committed to attending the state caucuses in a little over 100 days. Significantly, it also came on the heels of last week's democratic debate.

If accurate--and we know that isn't always the case--there should be joy somewhere in South Bend, IN tonight. That's because the numbers crunched show the mayor of that burg, Pete Buttigieg is gaining fast on Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden.

In fact he is within the 4.4% margin of error the poll allows. USA Today reported this morning Biden leads with 18%, Warren came in second at 17%, and Buttigieg is at a tad over 13%.

The shift toward Buttigieg apparently is a direct result of the candidate's performance last week. If the respondents were actually telling the truth, 40% of them said Mayor Pete did better in the last round than they expected. Interestingly enough another 30% said Minnesota Senator, Amy Klobuchar did better than expected, but her actual statewide support refuses to rise higher than 3%. On the other hand, 25% agreed former VP, Biden, who in June had a huge lead in Iowa, tanked last week's televised get together in Ohio.

Stuck in the middle of the Iowa race is Vermont Senator, Bernie Sanders who registered 9%. That is exactly where he was in the June poll. Besides Klobuchar, the fabulously well to do, Tom Steyer, CA Senator, Kamala Harris, and HI Representative, Tulsi Gabbard were all hovering right at, or just above 3%. It's unknown at this time if Gabbard's unhinged anti Hillary Clinton rants on Twitter in the last couple of days have shrunk, or improved her numbers.

So the results are pure gold to Buttigieg, right? Well, it is certainly better than what happened to Senator Harris. In June she was at 16%, but now languishes with the people wearing the unenviable label of third tier candidates.

Indeed, when it comes to the Hawkeye state nothing is settled. While the Mayor's support jumped, so did the percentage of undecided democrats. In this latest poll that number went up by eight points and now sits at 29%.

That's a lot of people. However it is small compared to the 63% who say even though they now have a preferred candidate, they are open to changing their minds before the caucuses occur.


Yes, Iowa remains, as they say, in flux. However one thing has become crystal clear. Joe Biden's early gangbusters lead--everywhere--is melting away like an ice cube on a hot sidewalk. It is starting to dawn on everyone, from coast to coast, if he can't hang with fellow democrats on a stage, where things remain relatively civil, he will never be able to compete with the bellicose, sound bite driven, lying son of a bitch who lays in wait.

sic vita est


Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Latest Democratic Debate: Dead Heat on a Merry Go Round

The field running for the democratic nomination has been culled, but it remains huge. Last night 12 hopefuls showed up on an Ohio stage and sort of debated each other. As we saw, even though at times their presentations bordered on the substantial, the affair still had the undeniable aura of a cheap jack reality TV series--kind of a political mish mash of, "Dancing With the Stars," and "Survivor."

Here is what we learned during what could well be considered a dead heat on a merry go round.

It immediately became obvious no one on the stage, except for perhaps Joe Biden himself, believed the former Vice President is still the front runner. That title has gone to Elizabeth Warren and many on the panel reacted to the shift with a barrage of assaults on the myriad of, "plans," the Senator from Massachusetts has proposed.

For the most part, Warren successfully parried the attacks with her well honed debating skills. However, to her detriment, she refused to admit what everyone in the republic knows--her medicare for all health care plan will increase taxes on not just the wealthiest, but also the middle class. Warren repeatedly dodged the questions by speaking in terms of, "lower total costs," to the middle class, which, in the end, might be true, but not when it comes to the bottom line on paychecks which says, "net pay."

Bernie Sanders certainly knows it. He was right up front saying there would have to be a tax increase for everyone in order to pay for his plan, which is nearly identical to Warren's. Sanders, who is fresh off a minor heart attack, seemed energized enough, not quite as angry, and in good spirits most of the night. It might not help. His numbers are shrinking and if he were, somehow, to win the nomination not only will his politics be savagely attacked, but so will his age and health. That's what happens when you are a democratic socialist and will be 79, going on 80, by the time the next inauguration rolls around.

Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg came on strong. Klobuchar especially appeared to look like a viable centrist alternative to Warren and Saunders. She sparred on equal terms with Warren and successfully articulated her own vision of what health care in this country should be. Buttigieg, as always the smartest kid in the room, came across more impassioned and aggressive. He engaged Tulsi Gabbard in a spirited exchange about what sort of U. S. military presence should be, or remain in the middle east and they both actually knew what they were talking about.

Mayor Pete also got into a tussle with Beto O'Rourke about the how to of buying back and banning military assault style weapons. A subject which up until a few months ago was, thanks to the NRA's political hegemony, unthinkable.    

Tom Steyer, who was making his first debate appearance, seemed out of his element except when he was slamming Donald Trump for being everything from a two bit con man to a degenerate Putin wannabe. Let's face it though, we already know that. It's why we tuned in. When given a chance to explain his other positions the billionaire would go off into the wonderful world of mumbles, before invariably returning to his attacks on The Big Orange Guy.

Andrew Yang scored some points when he talked about the threat automation poses to low wage American workers. His riff on the subject actually justified, or at least explained his proposed $1,000 a month guaranteed wage to everyone more articulately than he has previously.

Julian Castro didn't shoot himself in the foot like he did in the 3rd debate, but he seemed even further on the periphery of the race. Senator Cory Booker increasingly looks like a man in search of cabinet position. His main message last night was basically, "Can't we all just get along?"

Then finally we come to Joe Biden, who is currently, along with his son, Hunter, the reason Don Trump might get impeached. The hope was he'd come out swinging. Instead he spent large amounts of time saying nothing at all as everyone focused on Warren. At least that is what it seemed like, although the stats show he actually got nearly 17 minutes of air time, second most of the entire panel.

Perhaps that is the scariest part of it for the Biden campaign. It wasn't the ever present gaffes, or the increasing number of moments when he seems to forget his train of thought. It was that it felt like he was barely even there and, worse, no longer relevant.

All of which brings us to the most pressing questions. One--has anyone truly separated themselves from the rest of the field? Second--does one of these candidates have what it takes to stand up to the avalanche of lies, conspiracies, and cruel school yard taunts which lurk right around the corner?

After the dust settled last night both issues are still in doubt.


Sunday, October 13, 2019

Carina Saunders Eight Years and Two Mistakes Later

Carina Saunders was 19 years old in 2011. If she had survived she would now be 27. Of course her life style would have made it problematic for her to last the past eight years on this blue ball under any circumstances. That's always the case when serious drugs and possible forays into street prostitution are involved.

Obviously we'll never know if she would have made it to the year of our Lord, 2019 because she did not survive. She was reported missing to the authorities on September 28th, 2011. However none of her relatives had seen her for several days prior to then, or at least that was the story at the time. According to a cousin she was last seen getting into a blue, or dark gray SUV which was being driven by a "gray haired," man in his 40's.

Five years later the cousin would claim the man was Kenny Richards who at the time lived at a rental property in the 500 block of Oakdale Drive, not far from I-40 and Rockwell. The usefulness of this information is debatable mainly because she would also say she dropped Ms. Saunders off at the Newcastle Casino on October 8th, 2011, 11 days after the missing persons report was filed.

She made the two seemingly at odds statements during a 2016 news conference held by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation. During the presser, which was called in an attempt to revive the cold case, OSBI spokespersons said they were in possession of a Newcastle security tape taken on that 8th. According to them it shows Saunders getting into a red four door pickup truck with a brush guard on front and overhead cab lights. The only available description of the driver was that both his arms were covered in tattoos. The OSBI said the tape also showed several, "girls," in the parking lot urging Saunders not to leave the casino.

They didn't have any luck persuading her. Five days later--eight years ago today--Carina Saunders' dismembered and decapitated body was found in a duffel bag dumped in a weed strewn field behind a Homeland Grocery store also located near Kenny Richards' place.

Because her body was found in the OKC suburb of Bethany, the 31 person department took charge of the case, dedicating five officers full time to the investigation. It was the first and perhaps most damaging mistake made during the aftermath of the gruesome murder.

Up until Saunders' body was found the Bethany PD was best known for the number of traffic tickets they liked to issue. Afterward their reputation expanded to include pandering to the media and casually releasing the names of witnesses and suspects to everyone.

On January 8th 2012, the local paper, The Oklahoman, was reporting two Oklahoma County Jail inmates, Jimmy Lee Massey and Francisco Gomez were being looked at for the crime. According to one account Massey was accused of forcibly taking a woman to witness the murder in order to teach her a lesson.

By February 28th of that year Massey was still a focus of the investigation, but Gomez was replaced by Michael, "Monster," Knight. Although Knight wasn't a suspect per se it was theorized his south side apartment was the scene of the murder.  On the same day the state Medical Examiner ruled Saunders had suffered, "a violent death," and stated the full report would be released in two weeks.

In a scant few days the Oklahoma State Attorney General told the media that a release of the full autopsy would harm the case. The state ME immediately said he wouldn't make all his findings available, well, at least for a while. Six months later the full report was made public. Among the terrible details, it indicated Carina Saunders was alive when someone began to hack her body apart.

Before that, on July 11th of 2012, the news hit someone had actually videoed the murder. Over the month new names came to light. Thanks to the Bethany PD, Mindy Cottier, Christopher Banschbach, Tia Downour, Michelle Hanshaw, and Stephanie Howard all made the news as witnesses either to the crime itself, or having seen the tape. In the mean time Massey and a man named Luis Ruiz were charged in the death of Carina Saunders.

None of this shit panned out. Once their names were in the paper and on TV the supposed witnesses began to claim they had only heard from friends Ruiz and Massey were guilty and had only heard about the video from others. In short the whole case began to fall apart because of the press hungry Bethany cops and their complete lack of professionalism.

In February 2013 the Bethany police handed the case over to the OSBI either at the request, or demand of DA David Prater. Later in the month Luis Ruiz walked out of the county jail due to a lack of evidence, while Jimmy Lee Massey stayed only because of unrelated charges.

A few months after the 2016 OSBI press conference the agency showed up at Kenny Richards' old residence on Oakdale Drive. They brought along a portable lab, a lot of guys with shovels, and some large sieves. They stayed for a couple of days, but apparently didn't find anything of note--or if they did they've been completely silent about it for two plus years.

In that 2016 news conference the OSBI insisted a tape was indeed made of Carina Saunders' horrific death and it was possible a copy of it still existed. To this day, when questioned, not a single person named by the OKC press, admits to actually having seen it. It remains the stuff of urban legend.

As does the murder of Carina Saunders. Eight years after her unsolved death, her name still conjures up dark images of a world many of us wish to ignore, or remain ignorant of. It is out there though and we all know it. We just don't want to do anything about it.

And, in the end, that is the second great mistake law enforcement, the media, and the rest of us have made. We just don't want to do anything about it.

sic vita est


Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Kendra Horn Took the 5th, But Can She Keep It?

Before the 2018 election the last time Oklahoma's 5th congressional district had a democratic representative was 1975. The guy was named John Jarman and he had held the seat for 25 years. Jarman was what you'd call a democrat in name only. The running joke back in those days of yore was that before he would vote on anything he would give the local arch conservative media mogul, E.K. Gaylord a call to seek out which side of the issue he should be on.

As strange as it might seem now, ages ago Oklahoma was solidly blue, at least in local elections. However, by the 1970's the voting public was making a hard right turn. Jarman might not of been the brightest of bulbs, but he realized the wind was changing. In January of 1975, hoping to save himself, he became a republican. It didn't work. Within a year he knew his goose was cooked, so he retired.

Over the years the district's boundaries have shifted as they all do. For the last decade, or two it has encompassed nearly all of Oklahoma County, which means Oklahoma City, Pottawatomie County to the east, and Seminole County, even further out in the woods.

Then another shift began creep through the district ever so slowly. As Oklahoma City's population grew and became more diverse increasing numbers of voters started casting their ballots for democrats. So much so, even though the seat remained in the hands of republicans, democratic candidates for the office were winning in OKC proper by small margins.

Last year, the worm, as they say, at long last turned. Two time republican incumbent Steve Russell was stunned when he lost to new comer democrat, Kendra Horn. It was a razor thin victory. Horn garnered 50.7% of the vote to Russell's 49.3%. The difference was less than 3,500 ballots.

There were a couple of factors in play during that election. First, Russell--whose main claim to fame was pissing off a bunch of his suburban supporters by not being conservative enough--ran what could best be called a somnambulant campaign. Second, because of Russell's nonchalance and it being a mid term election nearly 42,000 fewer 5th district voters showed up at the polls than they did in 2016.

Congresswoman Horn will not have those advantages in 2020.

Donald John Trump will loom like a great orange whale over next November and his base will be whipped into a frenzy. Ms. Horn has already drawn seven republican opponents and each one of them is a certified rip roaring right wing fire breather.

As of right now they are, Janet Barresi, a former State School Superintendent who lost her bid for a second term in office. Dan Belcher, who is demanding Horn resign if she votes in favor of impeaching the President because, according to him, doing so will violate her oath of office. Plus there is former State Senator Stephanie Bice, who has been endorsed by Oklahoma Right to Life and has received an, "A" rating by the NRA.

Then there is David Greene who bills himself as, "The lean mean freedom fighting machine." He claims stats prove only 0.4% of all American deaths are by firearms while 24% are the result of abortions. David Hill brags he has never held political office before and tells us Horn has ignored the rising cost of American health care while supporting, "socialized medicine." Businesswoman Terry Neese wants to lower taxes--she isn't clear for who--make the borders strong and promote Oklahoma, "values." And finally there is Merideth VanSant who simply wants to defend the second amendment and get, "big government," out of our lives.

There is also talk former OKC Mayor, Mick Cornett might make a run, but he is currently mum on the prospect.

In addition to all the aforementioned yahoos, Horn will have to deal with the Gaylord family's former publication, The Oklahoman. Despite a couple of ownership changes it remains virulently conservative. Periodically the paper likes to run front page stories with headlines such as, "Horn Votes With Democrats," and "Horn Supports Pelosi." Previously, keeping us up to date on the votes of 5th district representatives, at least on page one, wasn't, let's say, a priority for them.

Yes, 2016 might be a difficult year for Kendra Horn to survive. She could well be doomed no matter how she votes on impeachment. After all, just being a democrat will be enough for her eventual opponent to accuse her of Marxist politics and acts of pedophilia in the basements of pizza joints.

Hey, that's how the GOP rolls these days--there are no lies too savage and outlandish to tell. It is a fact of life all of us, including the Congresswoman, are just going to have to deal with.


Friday, October 4, 2019

America: Abandon All Sanity Ye Who Enter Here

There are many words you can use to describe Donald J. Trump, however, "subtle," will never be one of them. No, when you go in front of the world's press and openly ask two foreign governments--neither of which are renowned for the objectiveness of their justice systems--to investigate your political rival and his son, subtle isn't a term which comes to mind. Especially when you consider both of them, Ukraine and China, have much to gain by pleasing The Leader of the Free World.

Mr. Trump's defense of his attempted extortion is he has an absolute right, yea, duty, to root out corruption by any means possible, including the use of foreign powers. He is the first of 45 U.S. Presidents to come to that dubious conclusion. Of course he is also the first to offer frequent guest points to foreign dignitaries who stay at his hotels so there are plenty of new precedents being set these days.

The self proclaimed, "stable genius," has also offered up that the investigations of Joe and Hunter Biden have nothing to do with next year's election. However, when asked by a member of the media if he has ever prodded a foreign government to investigate an American not running against him his response was, "We'll have to look into that."

You do that, Mr. President and please get back to us later so we can find out any of our names are on your list.

Meanwhile, the Democratic National Committee's response to the increasingly savage attacks on Biden has been practically non-existent. We can thank the 2016 election for their reluctance to strike back. After Hillary Clinton won the nomination, the ardent followers of Vermont Senator, Bernie Sanders cried foul long and hard. Their bitter complaints that the supposedly neutral DNC had rigged the nomination process in favor of Mrs. Clinton weren't completely without merit. To this day there is no telling how many of Sanders' true believers stayed home on election day that year in protest.

To avoid the same disaster in 2020 there is no way the national committee can even appear to help candidate Biden. To do so would prompt the left wing to accuse them of doing the same thing during this election cycle. In fact more than a few on the left edge have already taken to social media arguing there is only one way to avoid Trump's obsessive mania for Biden's head and the run amok disinformation campaign which has already begun. Predictably their solution is don't nominate the former Vice President.

This strategy is rather akin to Neville Chamberlain's when the pre WWII British Prime Minister was attempting to deal with the late, unlamented, Herr Hitler. You know, give him what he wants and he'll shut up and go away. Yeah, that didn't really work out did it.

Indeed, no matter who the nominee, the Trump fanatics will attack him, or her with outrageous lies, conspiracies, and crude vitriol.

Think not? Hey, they already have.

On Wednesday, alt right troll, Jacob Wohl held a, "press conference," in an Arlington, VA driveway. He claimed Senator Elizabeth Warren, who is in her 70's had a torrid affair with a 24 year old marine a couple of years ago. A sign nearby said, "Elizabeth Warren, Cougar?" The response wasn't exactly what Wohl anticipated. One Twitter user put it this way, "If she can nail a 24 year old marine she's got my vote."

Warren responded to the stupidity with a tweet of her own. It read, "It is always a good day to be reminded that I got where I am today because a great education was available for $50 a semester at the University of Houston (go Cougars!). We need to cancel student debt and make college free for everyone who wants it." The tweet included a University of Houston mascot logo, a snarling red and blue cougar.

Then, the other night, a woman claiming to be a climate activist showed up at town hall meeting hosted by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Ocasio-Cortez isn't running for the White House, although republicans wish she was. The seemingly unhinged woman told the crowd since climate change will end the world in a couple of months the Representative's campaign should advocate we begin eating babies. Moments later social media exploded with memes saying Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's supporters were in favor of this new and grotesque entree on the menu. Within an hour it was learned the, "activist," worked for a pro Trump Political Action Committee founded by the late Lyndon LaRouche.

Yes, it doesn't matter who the democrats nominate. The truth is he, or she is going to face this sort of deranged shit from both, Don Trump and his hit men.

It is, in the end, new age, American internet politics. At this point someone should hang another plaque on the Statue of Liberty reading, "Abandon All Sanity Ye Who Enter Here."

Well that and, "Oppose Trump and you will be investigated by anyone he strong arms."
