Monday, September 5, 2022

Donald Trump: The King of All Media

The horrors keep rolling in these days. A week, or ten days ago some monster in Oklahoma City murdered his three young children before killing himself. Over the weekend a mass shooting in Virginia wounded five and killed two, Around the same time that night another shooting took place in Charlston, SC during which four were wounded and one was injured while diving for cover.

Even up in Canada, where most of the violence is confined to hockey game brawls, things spun out of control. Ten people were stabbed to death and another 19 wounded in a Cree Indian community and a nearby town located in Saskatchewan. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are saying some of the victims were, "targeted," while others appeared to be simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. The RCMP are desperately searching for two suspects, Damien and Myles Sanderson. If authorities have a motive they aren't releasing it at this time. As you can guess, both of the Sanderson boys are considered armed and dangerous.

All this mayhem begs the question, why is the American national media so fixated on Donald J. Trump? Indeed, every time one turns on cable news, no matter which side it leans to you cannot escape him. Turn on the desk top, or phone and there is his Cheeto infused mug staring back at you. 

Apparently, for Americans anyway, Don Trump has become the itch we cannot scratch--the ear worm we can't rid ourselves of--the foul acid flashback that continually disrupts our reality.

The headlines are everywhere. "Trump Calls For New Election, Declares Himself Rightful 2020 Winner.."  "Trump Complains the FBI Has Never Searched Biden's Residence." Trump Complains FBI Searched His Son's Bedroom." "Trump Says He Will Execute Drug Dealers." Trump Promises to Pardon Jan. 6th Rioters."  "Trump Takes a Dump."

Okay, the last one wasn't real, not yet anyway, but sometimes it feels we are only a half step from it.

When he lost in 2020 I thought we'd be done with this bellicose and openly criminal asshole. Silly me. Even after five plus years on the national stage where he commanded every news cycle, his ego demands we notice him, compels us in a strange and terrible way to write and speak about him.

Yes, after all these years it is finally time to admit Don Trump is an addiction worse than any induced by illegal drugs. 

I'll be the first to admit he has me hooked too. Right now I should be writing about a ghastly family annihilator in Oklahoma City, or two deranged Canucks who ran amok in Saskatchewan. However here I am ranting yet again about a former reality TV host, turned dictator wannabe.

His cult loves him without question, many for reasons they can't even explain, at least not coherently. The media, no matter how harshly they criticize him, broadcasts and prints his every word. And the tragedy is, all of that just fuels his massive ego even more, not to mention his own horrifying vision of himself as King of All Media and the World.

I've come to conclude there is something truly Satanic about the man--that Donald fucking Trump just might be the Anti-Christ. Consider me as unhinged if you will, but the truth is when the sun rises in the morning he will do, or say something that 30% of America will applaud, while the rest of us  react in horror and disgust. 

The point being we all, each and every one of us, will react to it. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly what he wants.

Sic Vita Est



1 comment:

  1. I have known for a long time that human beings are the most dangerous of all animals. Since the political rise of Donald Trump, I understand why better than I ever did before.
