Saturday, July 5, 2014

Trouble in Murrieta: The Boat People Stop the Bus People

Media reports tell us since October of last year an estimated 52,000 unaccompanied kids, the majority of them from Central America, have crossed the southern border into the United States. In addition another 39,000 families, most of them with only the mother have made the trip. As can be imagined this puts a bit of a strain on the system. The current law says unaccompanied minors must be processed and then handed over to the Department of Human Services for placement until an immigration judge decides what to do with them--a process which could take months, if not years.

A lot of people aren't big fans of the situation. In fact, Texas Governor, Rick Perry wants the entire lot deported immediately. Perry, by the way, is a surname which originated in middle ages as Pirige. In the 7th century it denoted an English person who owned a pear orchard.

Not to be outdone by the Texas governor, a bunch of folks in Murrieta, CA showed up outside of a border patrol processing center earlier this week and blocked the entrance to it when three bus loads of Central American kids, along with a few of their mothers arrived. The protesters carried U.S. flags and signs that said things like, "Stop Illegal Immigration" and "Go Back to Mexico." They also chanted, "Go home" and the now grating and fascist-like, "USA, USA, USA."

The local cops stood around and didn't do anything. They claim they were waiting for back up. The border patrol agents, rather than running over some of the patriots and creating martyrs, had the buses turn around and go to another locale. The Murrieta police chief, Sean Hadden promised if more buses arrive his officers will force the crowd to clear the road. The name Hadden is of English and, or Scottish origin.

According to one of the protest organizers, "We are defending our nation. We want the laws enforced at the border. A nation without borders is a nation without sovereignty." Her name is Patrice Lynes. The surname Lynes is of Anglo-Norman origin. She also promised the media, "We will stop when the whole process stops."

She was applauded by Jim Gilchrist, the founder of the "Minute Man Project," which bills itself as a neighborhood watch organization keeping an eye on our borders. He was happy to tell anyone who would listen the angry and ugly demonstration in Murrieta is just the beginning. He predicted  from now on there would be mass protests across the entire land in response to the outrage of illegal immigration. If you're curious, the name Gilchrist originated in Scotland.

The mayor of Murietta, Alan Long blamed the whole mess on Barack Obama and congress. He initially called the deluge of unaccompanied children an invasion, although once videos of his city's bellicose citizens played nationally, he toned his rhetoric down considerably. He also might want to do a little internet research. The statute which requires the government to hand the kids over to DHS personnel, rather than deporting them right away, was signed into law by George W. Bush. Long is an Anglo-Saxon name, Bush, depending on who you read, comes from either the Norse language, or old English. Obama, on the other hand, is from eastern Africa.

Mayor Long also said his city would be overwhelmed by illegals if the border patrol dumped them there. Murietta's 2010 population was 103,466. 55.7% of that figure is of Anglo-European descent, 25.9% is Hispanic, 5.4% is African American, 9.2%, Asian, and a whopping 0.7% is--you guessed it--Native American. There were, in total, 140 people on the buses which were turned away.

Wikipedia says the land the city of Murietta is situated on was purchased by a guy named Esequial Murietta. He was a Basque who wanted to raise sheep there, but gave up on the idea, handed the place over to his younger brother Juan, then moved back to Spain.

Yesterday many of us celebrated the day the United States of America declared itself independent from Great Britain. Shortly after the revolution our ancestors began building a nation which stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific. We were then, as we are now, a diverse people not of one race, but many. In fact the only thing most of us had in common for the first century of our history, aside from an all consuming desire to exterminate the actual Native Americans, was that someone in our past got here without filling out an immigration form.

That's right. Unless your name is something like Sequoyah, or Crazy Horse, at some point, the only difference between your ancestors and the kids on those buses is that great, great granddad, Henry, Adolph, or Vito used a boat to get here.

In the final analysis there are a couple of things to consider. One is, if close to 100,000 Anglo Canadian kids and their mothers came flooding across our northern border would anyone raise this big of a stink?

The second is, to paraphrase The Man, let he, or she without an ancestor who wasn't willing to risk their life to get here, throw the first stone.


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