As the greater Los Angeles area continues to burn republican politicians and right-wing types everywhere have filled the media with all sorts of comments. Most of them are laced with the type of compassion shown by Alabama GOP Senator, Tommy Tuberville. Speaking on the ultra-right propaganda outlet, News Max the Senator, in part, said, "California has many republicans" who are good people and I hate it for them. They are just overwhelmed by these inner city woke posses with the people that vote for them. I don't mind sending them some money, but unless they show they're going to change their ways and get back to building dams and storing water, doing the maintenance with brush and trees--everything that everybody else does in the country and they don't do it--they don't deserve anything, to be honest with you, unless they show they're going to make some changes."
It is unclear who makes up those massive woke inner-city posses, but the, Tuberville was a little light on those details. However, The Senator's message was clear, start voting for republicans, or rebuild all on your own.
Georgia Congresswoman, Marjorie Taylor Greene, ever obsessed with the notion the government controls everything, wrote, "Why don't they use geoengineering like cloud seeding to bring down rain on the wildfires in California? They know how to do it."
Cloud seeding has been on Greene's radar before. She blamed the Biden administration for using it to cause massive floods in western North Carolina back in late October. At the time Greene claimed it was an attempt to prevent Trump voters from casting their ballots.
On the bright side, Ms. Greene has made progress of a sort though. Before she was in Congress Greene accused Jews of starting wildfires in northern California with satellite controlled lasers. According to the future Congresswoman those crafty Jews wanted to build a high speed rail system along with accompanying stations and needed to clear the forests out of the way.
Conspiracy theories aside, Ms. Greene's understanding of, "geoengineering," is a tad suspect. In order for cloud seeding to work there has to be moisture present in the atmosphere--you know, clouds. In the last six plus months LA has received 0.8 inches of rainfall. All of that fell before October 1st. In short, you can't seed what isn't there.
Speaking of conspiracies, actor Mel Gibson went on Fox News to say, "In the events like this you sort of think , well is it on purpose? It's an insane thing to think. But one begins to ponder whether or not there is a purpose in mind." Salon reports Gibson also speculated the state's movers and shakers wanted to empty out the state, comparing them to the, "old cattle barons," who wanted to clear people off the land. Mr. Gibson apparently didn't offer up a reason why these unnamed few wanted to empty out the state, or if Tommy Tuberville's woke, inner-city posses would be included in this Golden State diaspora.
Finally, we have Lara Trump, former RNC chair and daughter in law to Big Don. She was on Sean Hannity's show and said, "I would really love for somebody out there to explain to me how climate change is the reason the reservoirs are dry, that there was no water in the hydrants."
Her comment moved one social media user to post, "These are the people who want to scrap the Department of Education."
Other than Marjorie Taylor Greene's cloud free cloud seeding idea no one on the right has proposed any solution to the problems in Southern California--although Donald Trump recently said, "Canadian water," could help. Meanwhile, at least one Fox wag celebrated the disaster, saying the state's voters would now turn on democrats with a vengeance.
There can be no doubt that somewhere out there someone is saying the Los Angeles fires are God's retribution on a sinful place. Those who are and the others looking for political gain thanks to this nightmare need to keep something in mind though. The Lord doesn't really discriminate when it comes to disasters. At the moment California is burning, but that doesn't mean somewhere down the line Florida and other ruby red states won't get slammed by a massive hurricane, or tornado.
When it happens--and it will--just remember what all you MAGA wankers are saying to Californians right now. Because sooner than any of us can imagine some of you are also going to need help and answers, not politics and, in more than a few instances, unabashed glee.
I am now wondering who comes after Trump - and when. I hope we won't be in a place where we miss the good old days of 2024. I believe democrats should shake off the shock and approach the mid terms with steely determination and a clear policy mission designed to win back working people. We need to "portal transfer" that segment of his supporters. Do that and we will be on the right track going forward.