On the day after Donald Trump refused to place his hand on the Holy Bible while he took the oath of office (Who knows why, perhaps he was afraid he'd burst into flames if he did) he showed up at the National Cathedral for what is billed as, the national prayer service. During the ceremony Episcopal Bishop, Mariann Edgar Budde delivered a brief sermon directed toward the President, who was seated in the front row.
Among other things, the Bishop told Mr. Trump, " Millions have put their trust in you. And as you told the nation yesterday, you have felt the providential hand of a loving God. In the name of our God I ask you to have mercy on the people of our country who are scared now." She went on to mention that those who are, "scared now," include members of the gay community, immigrants, and refugees fleeing war zones and political persecution. She also pointed out the vast majority of immigrants, no matter their documentation issues were decent, law abiding, taxpaying, good neighbors.
After the service ended Donald Trump's immediate response was terse. He said simply he didn't think it was a good one. Late that night, however, or rather early the next morning--once again reinforcing the suspicion he is, The Agent of Darkness--the real Donald Trump took to social media.
He wrote: The so-called Bishop who spoke at the National Prayer Service on Tuesday morning was a Radical Left hard line Trump hater. She brought her church into the World of politics in a very ungracious way. She was nasty in tone and not compelling, or smart. She failed to mention the large number of illegal immigrants that came into our Country and killed people. Many were deposited from jails and mental institutions. It is a giant crime wave that is taking place in the USA. Apart from her inappropriate statements the service was a very boring and uninspirational one. She is not very good at her job. She and her church owe the public an apology."
For those wondering, the extent of Bishop Budde's "hard line Trump hating," came when she was critical of him for holding a bible upside down outside of a church for a photo op immediately after he ordered peaceful demonstrators to be tear gassed during his first term. According to Budde the death threats have already begun to arrive. One GOP Congressman, Mike Collins of Georgia demanded her name be, "added to the deportation list." (Budde was born in New Jersey, so deporting her to there seems a tad useless) Evangelical minister, Robert Jeffress--perhaps looking for a place in the clergy at the First Church of Our Savior Don--said Budde should be condemned for having, "insulted rather than encouraged our great President."
As weird as Jeffress statement was--I mean since when is asking for mercy an insult--he probably nailed the true source of Trump's rage. Let's face it, the man has really gotten used to "Christian," clergy fawning over him, blessing him, and praising him no matter what he says or does. When he finally ran into one who didn't his big ol' fucking head simply exploded.
We could go into the lies and misinformation in that social media post. I mean has he ever given us a single stat telling us how many are the many illegal immigrants who have been let out of prisons, or mental institutions, or even committed violent crimes? Or where is that giant crime wave he talks about when every crime statistic available says violent crime in the nation has gone down the last few years running? Indeed, just how many dogs and cats did those crazy Haitians really eat in Springfield, OH?
We will never hear those numbers, even if he actually knows them. Donald Trump's politics depend on fear and hatred. Take away either and all of it falls apart. Does he believe in God? Probably, even the devil knows God exists. The real question is, does the 47th President of the United States have any real Christian faith, like he has convinced so many he does? Or, does Donald Trump cold bloodedly manipulate and use the faith of others just to benefit himself?
Well, he is the one with his hand off the bible when he was sworn in. And he's the one who couldn't handle a plea to show mercy coming from a true Christian--not one in it for the television exposure and money.
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