As large portions of Los Angeles County burned to the ground, President-elect, Donald Trump had this to say. "Governor Gavin Newscum refused to sign the water restoration declaration put before him that would have allowed millions of gallons of water, from excess rain and snow melt from the North, to flow daily into many parts of California including the areas that are currently burning in a virtually apocalyptic way."
Trump even tells us why, California Governor Newsom would do such a thing, "because he wanted to protect an essentially worthless fish called the smelt. Now there is no water for the fire hydrants." Later the man who will become President once again posted, "One of the best and most beautiful parts of the United States of America is burning down to the ground. It's ashes, and Gavin Newscum should resign. This is all his fault!!!"
Ah, yes. It was vintage Trump, all the way down to the juvenile, derogatory, nickname. But why? What has Gavin Newsom ever done to Donald Trump, besides being a democrat? Does the Trumper see him as a potential opponent in 2028? (Hey, I don't care what the 22nd amendment to the Constitution says. If Donald Trump is alive in any way, shape, or form in 2028 he is going to want a third term. Fuck what the Constitution says now. The Supreme Court is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Trump Org. and somehow, someway they'll get around it. Trust me.)
Maybe, but probably not. For one thing it is doubtful Donald Trump thinks that far ahead. He has always been more of a, "what's in it for me right now," sort of guy. Actually, this most recent torrent of bile is the opening act of, "Donald's Great and Glorious Revenge and Retribution Tour."
That's right, the President-elect is pissed off at the California Governor because Newsom opposed Trump's plan during his first administration to redistribute water to farmers in the state's Central Valley. Newsom was successful and even collaborated with Joe Biden during his term to, in effect, erase what Trump had thought he'd accomplished.
But wait, wasn't Trump trying to help farmers irrigate their fields and fill fire hydrants in Los Angeles? Well, yes and no, First, we aren't talking Ma and Pa Kettle farmers. We are talking about huge corporate growing operations owned by the sort of people who contribute scads of money to Donald Trump. Second, the water that would have headed to LA would have been minimal at best.
As Ryan Teague Beckwith stated online, "Well remember that Trump wanted more of that water to go to nut and fruit farmers in areas most of whom support him and not to the residents of Los Angeles, most of whom don't." And, as Beckwith also pointed out. right now, Los Angeles has enough water to fight the fires, what it doesn't have is the infrastructure to get it to all those hydrants.
In this case Trump's lust for retribution led him to post outright fiction. According to Newsom, that "water restoration declaration," El Don mentioned is not a real thing. It never has been. He simply made it up, probably to make it sound like the ongoing disaster in LA is directly linked to Newsom's environmentalism. You know, "See there, if he had just signed this non-existent paper, Pacific Palisades would have been saved instead of those damned fish."
For those wondering, shit like this is going to get worse. Think not? The guy wants to invade Greenland for God's sake. Saying Donald Trump is erratic is like saying Norman Bates had some bothersome Mommy issues.
You elected the crazy son of a bitch, America. Here is hoping enough of you are left by the time he is finished to regret it.
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