Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Rick Perry Says So Long--For Now

Deep in the heart of Texas, Rick Perry has decided to give up the ghost after his current term as governor ends in 2014. The news is sure to set off a scramble among republicans who will look to fill a seat that is becoming increasingly influential in national republican politics, not to mention presidential elections.

The reality is Texas has 38 electoral votes, the second most in the nation. The republicans must have them in order to remain even remotely competitive in presidential races. When you consider the death grip democrats have on California's 55 votes and that Florida's 29 can only be counted on if GOP operatives down there can successfully commit a series of felonies, it becomes crystal clear why Texas must remain firmly in the red column. Indeed, when a republican Texas governor speaks now days, the national GOP will listen.

USA Today is reporting that Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is mulling over a run, as is former Perry appointee Tom Pauken. The list will begin to grow in earnest now that Perry is officially on his way out. The job is simply too ripe of a plum not to attract an entire swarm of wasps.

The rising democratic star, Ft. Worth state senator, Wendy Davis says she will take a "second look" at the race and her options. Davis became an instant NAME when she pulled off a prolonged, "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington" style filibuster a couple of weeks ago. With the help of a raucous gallery her 11 hour marathon, unbroken by bathroom breaks, or even the simple act of leaning against her desk, derailed a draconian anti choice bill.

Ms. Davis, however has two problems. One is that bill will get passed some time in the near future despite her heroics. Second, Texas hasn't elected a democrat to a state wide office since 1994. That would be 19 years and counting. Yes, they may love her in what ever part of Ft. Worth she represents, but she is going to find it rough sailing in places like Odessa, Midland, Lubbock, and Amarillo.

Back to Brother Perry though. What does the future hold for him? Well there is always The Palin Option. Fox News lets all these hacks come on board as analysts at one point or another. The money is good and your face is still on TV, both of which warms the heart and satisfies the ego of any professional politician. Indeed, dust off the old resume' Governor and this time remember your lines for God's sake.

On Fox Sunday, in a moment of what can only be interpreted as confusion, comedy, or astonishing dementia, Perry went so far as to say a second run at the presidency was, "an option." He added that, "Any future considerations will be announced in due time and I will arrive at that decision appropriately." It would be easy to write that statement off as a burst of Saturday Night Live sarcasm, but USA Today reports Perry has rehired Mark Miner, one of his advisers during the presidential primary campaign.

If he is seriously considering such a move the man has obviously become unhinged. Not even Michelle Bachmann is that far off her nut.

His 2012 republican candidacy was so ill received he was one of the first of that vast array of dullards and vile quacks to drop out. In fact his showing was such a supreme disaster his bus didn't even make it to the South Carolina state line.

A recent poll of Texas republicans shows that even they don't like him for the job. He comes in fourth behind Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, and Florida Senator Marco Rubio. His support was in the area of 10% and these are the same people who have put him into office one time as Lt. Governor and three times as Governor.

Let's face it, Rick, it is time to go. Trust me, spend the next few years praying someone can knock off Hillary in the 2016 election and then lobby for a cushy ambassadorship to someplace like Fiji. Yes, then you can kick back on the beach, down a few mojitos without anyone noticing, and enjoy life. That's the ticket, lad. Who says retirement can't be fun?

So there we have it. We're already two days into the week and nine days into the month. Time certainly flies when you're having fun.

sic vita est


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