Friday, October 7, 2022

Caligula, His Horse, and Herschel Walker

Gaius Julias Caesar Augustus Germanicus was officially the third Roman Emperor. His name was a mouthful even back then so pretty much everyone called him by a nickname he had picked up when he was a kid---Caligula. Caligula really didn't like the Roman Senate. In fact he went out of his way whenever he could to denigrate the members of that esteemed body. 

Caligula also had a horse he loved named Incitatus. He built the nag a stall made of marble and a manger constructed of ivory. He even had a collar fashioned out of jewels for his beloved steed. Ancient historians have written the Emperor had plans to name his horse a Roman Consul. It was probably to further humiliate the Senate. Unfortunately it never happened.. You see, Caligula was, as we'd say here in the U.S. a one term emperor. His reign ended after only four years, not because of some vote, but his untimely death. He was murdered by members of his personal guard. 

Despite being bat shit crazy and having a propensity for throwing members of the audience into the arena when the lions ran out of prisoners to eat, some historians maintain Caligula was popular with large portions of the population. The reason? They hated the Senate and Senators as much as he did.

All of which brings us to Herschel Walker, former University of Georgia Heisman Trophy winner, NFL running back, and current republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in the Peach Tree State. It is an office he is about as qualified for as Incitatus was when Caligula was running amok. 

No, I'm not saying Mr. Walker is like Caligula, although in the past he has certainly displayed a Caligulan attitude when it comes to women. Nor am I comparing his intellect to that of a horse who lived nearly 2,000 years ago, although we should all be suspicious of a potential senator who believes evolution isn't real, because monkeys still exist.

We do, however, have to wonder about Georgia republicans. Has Walker been nominated to show their utter contempt for the United States Senate, or is he the best they could come up with? And, are they supporting him only because they are so desperate to regain the office they'll vote for anyone, no matter how stupid and hypocritical they are?  

Well there is a history of that sort of behavior in Georgia. Let's face it they voted for Don Trump in 2016, although they seemingly came to their senses in 2020. 

Given that moment of clarity, the incumbent, Senator Raphael Warnock is safe and sound, right? I mean the man is an ordained Baptist minister with a degree from Morehouse College and multiple other degrees from Union Theological Seminary. He has two legitimate children and no hint of scandal of any sort. He has served in the Senate for two years, giving him experience and he won't speak ill of his opponent, but rather about what he stands for and what he hopes to accomplish.

Walker on the other hand says he is against abortion for any reason, but has been accused by a woman of paying her to get one. After denying he ever heard of her, he finally admitted she was the mother of one of his children. Despite earlier claims to the contrary he doesn't have a college degree and his only political experience he has is he, like everyone else who won the trophy gets to vote for the Heisman winner every fall. Hell one of his own kids doesn't even like him and criticizes his dad regularly on social media. In campaign speeches he exposes himself to be a fool on a regular basis--how exactly do those monkeys still exist--while being even less inarticulate than his pal and supporter, Donald Trump.

With less than a month to go before mid terms, Ralphael Warnock and Herschel Walker are in a statistical dead heat. Warnock's lead is well within pollster's margins of error. The situation makes one wonder, if the GOP can nominate and elect this sort of clown, what kind of monster will they run for president in 2024?

Oh wait, we've already been there once haven't we.

Or, as Roman history shows us, twice.



1 comment:

  1. I first became aware of republican right wing hypocrisy back in the Reagan years. He was the one who accused democrats of "tax and spend" economics. Well, guess who left office with the biggest federal deficit to date at the time? Ronald Reagan, of course. At least, Reagan was personally likable and knew how to carry himself in a respectable manner. Today's right wingers do not, and it seems we on the left are the only ones who realize this, or care.
