Sunday, July 24, 2022

The Man Who Would be Dictator Part 8: Trust in Adolf

 It is not truth that matters, but victory.

Adolf Hitler

By January 6th, 2021 everything had failed, Donald Trump. State election officials from Pennsylvania to Georgia and Arizona had stood fast despite all the cajoling and bullying he could delegate and deliver himself. Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, and a battalion of others had been turned away by over 60 different judges. The string of failures had moved Powell to declare all of them, including the ones appointed by the Trump administration, as corrupt. The increasingly bizarre and fanciful conspiracy theories had either been disproven, or dismissed as bullshit. The Justice Department had refused to act and the highest ranking members of it had threatened mutiny.

The states had certified their electoral votes. His own staff considered John Eastman's legalese fol-de-rol insanity. And the final insult, Mike Pence was proving himself disloyal, not to the constitution, but to, El Presidente.   

In short, time was almost up and the options were down to one. Send in the thugs and stop the congressional certification of the election results by force.

It isn't clear if even Don Trump knew exactly how that was going to be accomplished. Other details, however, have become appallingly obvious. 

First, Mr. Trump really did plan on leading the mob to the capitol building, or at least meet them there. When his Secret Service detail refused to take him there was a shouting match in his vehicle. Although the details may have varied some from Cassie Hutchinson's account a verbal confrontation did occur that the President lost. 

There are reports that Giuliani, who by then could be considered clinically insane, had wanted Trump to enter the building, make some sort of speech to the assembled Senators and Representatives, and perhaps personally lobby them to reject the certification. Presumably this would happen as the insurgents cheered him on and threatened anyone who might object.

Second, when he couldn't make it to the capitol, El Don squirreled himself away in the oval office dinning room, banning even the official White House photographer. During the next three hours, or so, with limited interruptions, he was by himself, glued to the TV. Because the White House phone records for that period were scrubbed there is no telling who he was in communication with, although it is known large numbers of the rioters were paying close attention to his tweets. 

It was during this blacked out time the President of the United States tweeted to the insurgents that his vice president didn't have the courage to overturn the election, driving them into a further frenzy. It was at that moment it became obvious to everyone everywhere. Don Trump was willing to sacrifice the life of, Mike Pence along with any and all members of congress in order to stop the vote count.

Some of  Pence's security detail certainly knew this to be true. A few began sending radio messages asking fellow agents to tell their families they loved them. During those terrible minutes they were increasingly sure their chances of surviving the day were, let's say, limited. The Oath Keepers and Proud Boys were also aware of it. They laughed during their communications and noted Trump had asked them to not hurt Capitol Police members, because they were, "on our side," but didn't mention not harming members of congress.

Hell, even the despicable Missouri Senator, Josh Hawley knew it. A photo of him egging on the crowd with a clinched fist salute before the riot began in earnest was juxtaposed with a tape of him sprinting away from the mob as they breached the building. It was, as one analyst put it, "The most emasculating moment in American political history."

Thanks to an unknown number of text messages deleted by the Secret Service it has even been suggested some elements of the bureau were in on the plot. Busses mysteriously appeared to whisk congressmen and women to safety. Pence himself, refused to, "get in that car," because he didn't trust the driver. Indeed, it could have been, short of murder, the plan was remove everyone from the building to unknown locations, thus stopping the vote.

A little after 4pm that day Trump reluctantly filmed a message telling his warriors to go home in peace, that he loved them. He still maintained the election was stolen, Many credit White House aides, media members, and even his family for convincing him to do so. However, in reality it had probably dawned on him Pence and Congress could not be found and were refusing to leave the premises. The final push was over.

The next day someone convinced him to make a video calling the attack heinous, although he still refused to admit the election was lost. Publicly he still won't.

It is abundantly clear the threat to American democracy isn't over. Trump is still out there and he is going to run again. This year it is reported over 100 GOP candidates from top to bottom have made, "the election was stolen," major parts of their campaigns. Countless others are proud to compare themselves to Donald John Trump and brag they have his support. 

They are a cult of blood thirsty werewolves who have no respect for the republic, or its laws. Not to mention they and their Leader all abide by another quote from Herr Hitler:

If you want the sympathies of the broad masses, you must tell them the crudest and most stupid things.


1 comment:

  1. Election stolen from whom? Why do we assume that all miscounted votes fall against Trump?
