Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The Man Who Would be Dictator Part 7: Don't be Afraid to Get Crazy in the Oval Office

 Pat Cipollone looks to be an oily, arrogant guy, a shyster perfectly suited for people like Donald J. Trump. Unfortunately for the former president he is also a realist who knows when the jig is up--especially when circumstances are building that could land everyone who works for Don T, including, Pat Cipollone, in a federal prison lost somewhere in the outback of West Virginia. 

That's right pal, loyalty is one thing, but no one is worth going all Thelma and Louise for. 

Imagine Mr. Cipollone's shock when, on December 18th, 2020, he found a small group of would be kamikaze's had somehow wormed their way, uninvited, into the oval office and Doanld Trump's increasingly desperate brain. 

Indeed, it was an A-list of conspiracy theorists and unrepentant sedition mongers. Their number included Sidney Powell, disgraced retired general, Mike Flynn, CEO, Patrick Byrne, and the grand master of all things outré, Rudy Giuliani. 

On Tuesday Cipollone testified when he arrived he looked around the room, saw Powell and Flynn and in his words, "I was not happy to see the people who were in the oval office." He later said, "I didn't think any of these people were giving the president good advice."

Cipollone had good reason to feel that way. The group had brought along an executive order they wanted Trump to endorsee. It proposed that the head of the Department of Defense order the military to seize voting machines in key states so they could be, "analyzed." In addition the order named Powell a special counsel with the power to charge and prosecute anyone and everyone who had the audacity to say the election wasn't stolen.   

As always Giuliani and the rest, in Cipollone's words showed a, "general disregard," for offering any proof of their charges of voter fraud. Apparently they were beyond that by then. Hey, after they couldn't produce it in 60 plus different court cases, or to a single state legislature the whole concept of proof probably seemed a tad Lizzie Bordenish to them. You know, they couldn't prove she killed her dad and stepmom, but everyone knew she did it. 

The entire meeting collapsed into chaos, which probably pleased Don Trump to no end. Giuliani declared Cipolloni and Eric Herschmann were, "pussies," for not wanting to carry out an unprecedented illegal act, so heinous their names would forever be linked to the downfall of American democracy.

People began to scream at each other. At one point Hershmann told Flynn to, "Sit your fucking ass down." A physical altercation was avoided only when Giuliani was escorted from the building. That's right, not just the room, but the entire White House grounds. Yes, it seemed at that crazed moment the only thing missing was a huge bunch of freshly baked pies and someone yelling, "Hey, Moe!" 

When it was over nothing seemed clear cut. In fact Powell left thinking she might have actually been named a special counsel, but wasn't sure.. Her confusion moved one media wag to say, "If you don't know if you've been named a special counsel, or not, you're probably not the right person for the job."

While the whole surreal scene would have made a fine slapstick film starring the late John Belushi and Bill Murray it wasn't. The future of the United States of America as we know it was on the line.

Trump finally retired, but his overheated knob was continuing to squirm.. His staff, the real one, had vociferously opposed the plan that for a few moments, to him anyway, seemed plausible. His options available for remaining in power had effectively shrunk to one.

It was time to call on the People, His People, to come to the rescue. By God, if no one else will listen, they will.

Early on the morning of December 19th, after Pat Cipollone thought he had diverted his boss from madness and criminality, the President of the United States tweeted, "Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there. Will be wild."

The word had been given. And the monsters immediately began to gather.


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