Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Trump and the Civil War Option

See there, you go away for a month, all the while trying to ignore everything around you--hoping and praying things will improve. But they don't. In fact they get worse, much worse. No, you can't wake up from this nightmare known as Trump's America. It is, quite simply, inescapable.

Things haven't particularly gone well for our Don lately, but we do know The Big Orange Guy has come up with a new strategy to win re-election. His plan to run on the, "greatest economy in the history of the world," went out the window when he screwed the pooch on the COVID plague. The deep state postal conspiracy has run into tough opposition from many of his own supporters who would rather not risk catching the disease while trying to vote in person. In addition all these people he knows keep writing books which accuse him of multiple crimes and having the morals of Caligula.

This new tactic, no doubt from the scheming mind of Stephen Miller, is called by the inner circle, "The Civil War Option." If might be a tad radical in nature, but when the going gets dicey you have to kick out all the jams.

It counts on a few things. First you must have a lot of white cops out there who are both scared shitless and blood thirsty. You know, like the ones in Kenosha, WI who shot Jacob Blake. Blake is an African American who was involved in some sort of domestic dispute. He may have made threatening remarks to officers and he might, or might not have been going for a knife in the floor board of his car--the one his kids were sitting in. What is absolutely certain is he took seven rounds in the back as he opened the driver's side door of his vehicle.

For the CWO, as it is known, to work what comes next is the outrage felt by the African American population in Kenosha in particular and nationwide needs to be expressed. They must take to the streets to protest what happened. It doesn't matter if they are peaceful, they just have to be out there marching. As has been proven in the previous few months they will be accompanied by scores of mostly young white leftists. Among this latter group there will be a smattering of anarchists and right wing thugs posing as angry socialists.

Now pit those same cops who started all this insanity against the demonstrators, the vast majority of whom, have no intention of doing anything illegal, then watch all hell break loose.

In the mean time the militia type bozos get all worked up over radical left wing rioting, which was actually started by the police. They flood into town, determined to save America's white owned businesses--which is code for shooting a bunch of punk ass liberals. They are armed with military style weapons but unencumbered by any sort of training. And, if Don is lucky like he was the other night in places like Portland and Kenosha gun fire breaks out.

When it does, if you're Donald John Trump, you take to the microphone, blame this multi site disaster on every democrat from the mayors right on up to Joe Biden. This, he says to every middle aged white couple, is the normal you can expect if Biden is president, hoping they'll ignore, it's now the normal while he is president.

Indeed, my fellow Americans, only I can fix the chaos I've created.

Well, that philosophy certainly works when its chief adherent has never taken any responsibility for a single failure in his life. It also works when about two thirds of your rock solid base are fascist zombies who will believe everything you say, no matter how crazed, or obviously wrong.

Ah yes, in 21st century America, as I have found, you can hide for a while, but you can never run away.

sic vita est


1 comment:

  1. This may sound melodramatic, but the next two months leading up to election day may define our nation for years to come. The bar will be risen to new heights in campaign nastiness during this time and it will be interesting to see how Americans respond. Given recent history, I'm not confident.
