Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Nightmare in Cleveland as the Proud Boys Stand By

 Not that there was much left of civil discourse in this nation anyway, but last night we might have witnessed it's last gasping breath. Actually that isn't true. Civility, decency, and the established rules of debate did not die wheezing away on a hospital bed in Cleveland. They were run over by a mad man at the wheel of a speeding Mack truck.

Yes, it was that gruesome. Donald J. Trump arrived on the stage at Case Western Reserve University, possibly all coked up, raring to prove he is America's alpha male. His main strategy was fairly simple--no matter what rules of engagement his campaign had agreed to he wasn't going to let Joe Biden speak more than two sentences at a time.

Indeed, interrupt the former Vice President as often as possible and if that failed talk over him even if it meant shouting. Never pause, never pay any attention to the efforts of the moderator, Chris Wallace, just bloviate wildly. Even if much of it was out right lies (no, the sheriff in Portland has never endorsed him and never will), or utter gibberish, no matter what don't let the other guy talk--at all.

Mr. Biden, who sometimes smiled when Trump was blasting away did plunge into the melee when things got too much for even him. The most memorable moment was when he said, "Would you just shut up, man." Later Biden told Wallace and Trump, "That was a really productive segment. Keep yappin' man." On other occasions he called Big Don, a "liar," and a, "clown."

All of this chaos led GOP strategist, Michael Steele to tell the NY Times, "I've seen better organized food fights at summer camp." He added, "But Trump needed a clear, 'W,' and he didn't get it."

He certainly didn't. He might have even done himself some real damage with everyone other than his rabid cult when Wallace asked him point blank if  he would repudiate white supremacists. Trump's response was, "I'm willing to do that, but almost every thing I see is from the left wing. Not the right.

After Trump asked Wallace to give him the name of a white nationalist group, Biden jumped in with, "Proud Boys." The President of the United States then answered by saying, "Proud Boys--Stand back and stand by." It didn't take but a few minutes for the Proud Boys to adopt the statement as their new slogan.

In addition The Big Orange Guy doubled down on his threat not to accept the results of the election if he loses. "If I see tens of thousands of ballots, I can't go along with that." He also urged his followers, presumably the Proud Boys among them, to go to the polls and, "watch very carefully."

What they'd be watching went unsaid, but the words disrupt and intimidate were implied. 

There are two more of these nightmares scheduled in the next month. Some Biden supporters are urging him to cancel, the theory being Trump is too belligerent and unwilling to follow civilized rules to believe he will act like anything other than a boorish, two bit, bully. Others are claiming that's exactly the reason Biden should show up--that proving Trump is a monster with no plan for the republic is a good thing.

In the end it probably doesn't matter. The number of voters out there who will be swayed one way, or the other by two old white guys trading insults is bound to be minimal. In addition judging who won last night, or two more just like it depends entirely on who you're supporting in the first place. 

Let's face it we all know by now, without a doubt, Don Trump is counting on the support of people like the Proud Boys. What we won't know until after the 3rd of November is what exactly that support will entail.



1 comment:

  1. For a long time I have lived with the thought that my vote in presidential elections does not count, me being a left of center democrat in a very red state. But, this year I feel differently. Even if Trump wins again, as he did last time courtesy of the Electoral College, I want him to know that twice, he did not win the popular vote. If he should win both the popular vote and Electoral College, I will at least know I did what I could and that most people who voted will get exactly what they deserve.
