Friday, October 4, 2019

America: Abandon All Sanity Ye Who Enter Here

There are many words you can use to describe Donald J. Trump, however, "subtle," will never be one of them. No, when you go in front of the world's press and openly ask two foreign governments--neither of which are renowned for the objectiveness of their justice systems--to investigate your political rival and his son, subtle isn't a term which comes to mind. Especially when you consider both of them, Ukraine and China, have much to gain by pleasing The Leader of the Free World.

Mr. Trump's defense of his attempted extortion is he has an absolute right, yea, duty, to root out corruption by any means possible, including the use of foreign powers. He is the first of 45 U.S. Presidents to come to that dubious conclusion. Of course he is also the first to offer frequent guest points to foreign dignitaries who stay at his hotels so there are plenty of new precedents being set these days.

The self proclaimed, "stable genius," has also offered up that the investigations of Joe and Hunter Biden have nothing to do with next year's election. However, when asked by a member of the media if he has ever prodded a foreign government to investigate an American not running against him his response was, "We'll have to look into that."

You do that, Mr. President and please get back to us later so we can find out any of our names are on your list.

Meanwhile, the Democratic National Committee's response to the increasingly savage attacks on Biden has been practically non-existent. We can thank the 2016 election for their reluctance to strike back. After Hillary Clinton won the nomination, the ardent followers of Vermont Senator, Bernie Sanders cried foul long and hard. Their bitter complaints that the supposedly neutral DNC had rigged the nomination process in favor of Mrs. Clinton weren't completely without merit. To this day there is no telling how many of Sanders' true believers stayed home on election day that year in protest.

To avoid the same disaster in 2020 there is no way the national committee can even appear to help candidate Biden. To do so would prompt the left wing to accuse them of doing the same thing during this election cycle. In fact more than a few on the left edge have already taken to social media arguing there is only one way to avoid Trump's obsessive mania for Biden's head and the run amok disinformation campaign which has already begun. Predictably their solution is don't nominate the former Vice President.

This strategy is rather akin to Neville Chamberlain's when the pre WWII British Prime Minister was attempting to deal with the late, unlamented, Herr Hitler. You know, give him what he wants and he'll shut up and go away. Yeah, that didn't really work out did it.

Indeed, no matter who the nominee, the Trump fanatics will attack him, or her with outrageous lies, conspiracies, and crude vitriol.

Think not? Hey, they already have.

On Wednesday, alt right troll, Jacob Wohl held a, "press conference," in an Arlington, VA driveway. He claimed Senator Elizabeth Warren, who is in her 70's had a torrid affair with a 24 year old marine a couple of years ago. A sign nearby said, "Elizabeth Warren, Cougar?" The response wasn't exactly what Wohl anticipated. One Twitter user put it this way, "If she can nail a 24 year old marine she's got my vote."

Warren responded to the stupidity with a tweet of her own. It read, "It is always a good day to be reminded that I got where I am today because a great education was available for $50 a semester at the University of Houston (go Cougars!). We need to cancel student debt and make college free for everyone who wants it." The tweet included a University of Houston mascot logo, a snarling red and blue cougar.

Then, the other night, a woman claiming to be a climate activist showed up at town hall meeting hosted by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Ocasio-Cortez isn't running for the White House, although republicans wish she was. The seemingly unhinged woman told the crowd since climate change will end the world in a couple of months the Representative's campaign should advocate we begin eating babies. Moments later social media exploded with memes saying Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's supporters were in favor of this new and grotesque entree on the menu. Within an hour it was learned the, "activist," worked for a pro Trump Political Action Committee founded by the late Lyndon LaRouche.

Yes, it doesn't matter who the democrats nominate. The truth is he, or she is going to face this sort of deranged shit from both, Don Trump and his hit men.

It is, in the end, new age, American internet politics. At this point someone should hang another plaque on the Statue of Liberty reading, "Abandon All Sanity Ye Who Enter Here."

Well that and, "Oppose Trump and you will be investigated by anyone he strong arms."


1 comment:

  1. Anyone has a chance to defeat an intelligent opponent. Not so much so with ignorance and stupidity.
