Friday, July 26, 2019

The Clinton Crime Family, Russian Agents and Bots, and Twitter Run Amok

Once more unto the rabbit hole, dear friends, once more...

With apologies to Bill Shakespeare

On Wednesday former Special Prosecutor, Robert Mueller testified in front of two different congressional committees. The talking heads and their analysts on MSNBC promised he would provide revelations which would shock and appall even the staunchest of Trump fanatics.

Although that wasn't what happened--FOX claimed the appearance was a disaster for democrats--Mueller's dead pan presentation, painted the portrait of a presidential campaign willing to accept whatever Russian aid it could get, then a chief executive who has gone to huge lengths to cover it up. In fact, according to Mueller's most assertive testimony, despite two plus years of presidential denials, the Russians had done everything they could to interfere with the 2016 election in order to get Trump into the Oval Office. In addition, at one point, Mr. Mueller went so far as to say the President of the United States could be indicted by the DOJ once he is no longer running it and the country.

It was hardly, as Dandy Don Trump likes to say, complete exoneration.

On Thursday morning, as dueling panelist claimed Mueller had confirmed exactly what they believed before he testified, it was reported, Jefferey Epstein had been found semi-conscious in his Manhattan jail cell. The news was vague. He had been discovered sometime in the previous 48 hours, but the information had been held back for reasons unknown.

There were marks on his neck, although the damage was not serious. Speculation was all over the place. Epstein either tried to hang himself, was attacked, or faked the whole thing to land himself in more, let's say, pleasant circumstances. He currently remains in the joint on suicide watch.

One article on the internet indicated Mr. Epstein, who is looking at least 45 years, was absolutely shocked a federal judge had denied him bail, despite his offer to put up $559 million in collateral. Another said an inmate in Epstein's unit had been questioned, but vehemently denied having anything to do with the injuries. We are friendly, the former cop charged with multiple murders said.

By Thursday afternoon it became obvious scores of people on social media had taken what was left of that brown acid which proved so foul at Woodstock 50 years ago. On Twitter, #ClintonBodyCount and #EpsteinSuicide began trending.

An updated list of people supposedly murdered by the Clinton, "crime family," began to circulate. The names ran the gamut from Vince Foster, to John F. Kennedy Jr. and DNC staffer, Seth Rich. The original list was compiled by Indiana attorney Linda Thompson who later proved her extreme stability by committing suicide in 2009. Others tweeted Epstein would be offed by the Clintons long before he ever reached a court room because of what he knows. Why Bill and Hillary missed him this time around went unexplained.

The other side struck back immediately. They alleged most, if not all, the Clinton conspiracy posts were being generated by Russian agents and, "bots," hell bent on diverting the American public's attention away from the damning testimony of Bob Mueller. In other words, the conspiracy theorists were, in truth, a conspiracy.

Actually some of them might have been since more than a couple of the anti Clinton posters went out of their way to say liberals are ignoring the facts because of, "Russiaphobia." It is a term one doesn't normally associate with your average ultra right wing wanker tweeting out of a den in Broken Arrow, OK.

Even our old pal, Alex Jones got involved. He posted elsewhere the Achilles' heel of The Deep State, which he maintains, Jefferey Epstein is a part of, is its members insatiable lust for pedophilia.

Yes, it was weird to the nth degree. Epstein was, depending on who you read, either targeted for murder by The Deep State, or an integral part of it. By the time the angry back and forth slowed the only thing missing was the unmistakable thumb print of ancient aliens.

Luckily America has the collective attention span of a five year old on a sugar rush. Today on Twitter, the hysteria has subsided and exchanges have returned to the normal level of political vitriol, reserved for those of us not convinced Bill and Hillary run a 21st century version of Murder Incorporated.

Buy hey, there is always tomorrow and as we know, the future is fertile ground for mass insanity. At least it has been ever since the internet was born. Think not? Just look at what transpired yesterday.

sic vita est


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