Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein and the Great Leap From Pizza Joints to Zionist Schemes

It all began, sort of, in late October and early November of 2016. According to a Twitter account which had previously been posting white supremacist propaganda, the New York Police Department had discovered evidence of a ring of pedophiles while searching through  Anthony Weiner's emails. The tweet alleged all sorts of prominent democrats were involved in the nefarious business.

At about the same time Wikileaks began releasing stolen emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, John Podesta. The ultra right wing loons who inhabit the murky internet worlds of 4chan and 8chan immediately seized on them as proof the ring existed. Podesta's emails, they claimed, held coded messages to other depraved democrats, including Clinton herself, regarding child trafficking, sexual abuse, and satanic rituals.

Fake news sites on the internet, who were all avidly pro Trump, began reporting, things like, the NYPD had raided Clinton's residence in New York and the FBI had confirmed the ring was real.

It was all bullshit of course, but for months alt right yahoos, including at least one member the Trump transition team, Michael G. Flynn, were saying it was true.

The main victim of the social media lunacy was restaurant owner, James Alefantis. He operated a pizzeria called Comet Ping Pong in Washington. For some reason the conspiracy proponents named his place headquarters of the evil goings on. They went so far as to claim children were being held in cages in the back room of his establishment.

Alefantis' business began receiving threatening phone calls. Then came hordes of fake, negative, reviews on Yelp and worse, a gun toting vigilante from North Carolina who popped off a couple of rounds in the place.  As the hysteria grew other businesses were accused of being part of the horror show. They included Besta Pizza which is three doors down from Comet Ping Pong and the book store, Politics and Prose among others.

Even East Side Pies in Austin, TX was accused of selling more than, well, pies. They had a delivery vehicle vandalized as the conspiracy morphed beyond mere democrats and into a vast global cabal involving The New World Order and, you guessed it, The Illuminati.

Meanwhile the actual pedophiles were hiding in plain sight. George Nader, who is a consultant to the Crown Prince of United Arab Emirates and the security firm, Blackwater, was convicted in the 1990s of transporting child pornography. In 2003 he was convicted of sexually abusing up to 10 boys in the Czech Republic. Last month he was arrested and charged with transporting pornography depicting sexual child abuse and bestiality. Last year he was questioned by Robert Mueller multiple times because there were suspicions he'd helped the UAE hook up with the 2016 Trump campaign in an effort to assist it one way, or the other.

Then there is Jeffery Epstein. He is a convicted sex offender who really likes underage girls. He also has boat loads of money and has hung out with a lot of big league people including Prince Andrew of the UK, Donald John Trump, and famed litigator, Alan Dershowitz.

Epstein was convicted of a sex crime in 2008, but his juice was such that then U.S. Attorney Alex Acosta struck a plea deal with his lawyer--that's right, Mr. A. Dershowitz--which went beyond the word lenient. When the Miami Herald detailed it this year (unlocked cell, out on work release 12 hours a day) the public and media threw a fit--one so fierce Acosta, who by now was Secretary of Labor in the current administration, was forced to resign.

It goes without saying, neither George Nader, or Jeff Epstein have ever been to Comet Ping Pong, or East Side Pies.

So what are white supremacists to do? Obviously Hillary and Podesta are out of the picture, as are several defamed businesses. The answer is simple.

While Don Trump is howling about the anti-Semitism of Ilhan Omar and the other three members of, "The "Squad," his pals on the ultra right are tweeting things like this question, "I wonder, did Jeffrey Epstein abuse any Jewish girls." The answer came quickly from a fellow traveler, "It would seem not. If Epstein only targeted 100+ Gentile children, aren't those all hate crimes?" And then, the clincher, "Jeffrey Epstein is middle management in a broader Zionist scheme to impact American-Israeli policy."

How the molestation of, "100+," underage American girls, Gentile, or not, by a Brooklyn born Zionist agent would impact U.S. policy toward Israel in a positive way remains a mystery. But, as we know, logic always remains elusive for those on the extreme right. However, you do have to give them points for making the great leap from pizza joints to international Zionist schemes.

Ladies and gentlemen, as you may have guessed, the bar is open.


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