Saturday, April 6, 2019

QAnon is Loud and Proud in Grand Rapids

It just keeps getting stranger and crazier and that is exactly how Donald Trump likes it.

Immediately after the president's boy, Attorney General, William Barr released a less than CliffsNotes version of Robert Mueller's findings, El Don proclaimed himself innocent of everything even remotely conceivable and took to the road.

Specifically, on March 27th, he went to Grand Rapids, MI and threw a rally for himself and members of The Almighty Base. During the raucous get together he told the exuberant mob, "The Deep State," plot against him had been foiled, at least for now.

For those still in the dark, The Deep State, is a cabal of democrats, Obama appointees, and career bureaucrats who are out to overturn the 2016 election and depose the current resident of the Oval Office.

Trump's choice of words in Grand Rapids weren't an accident--although genuine paranoia might have also played a part. No, he was directly addressing hundreds, if not more in the audience, who are supporters the mysterious and darkly apocalyptic, Q--aka, QAnon.

Q first appeared on ultra right wing 4Chan and 8Chan internet message boards in 2017. He, or she, claims to be an anonymous senior U.S. intelligence official allied with the president. Q also has some seriously deranged shit to say about democrats and Hollywood personalities.

That's really the only way you can describe accusations which say, not only does Hillary Clinton and some of Hollywood's biggest stars run a world wide child sex trafficking ring. but after molesting those kids, they murder, and eat them. Not to mention the United States government engineered the AIDS virus, plus other global pandemics, and has been behind any number of natural disasters.

Journalist, Ben Collins took a quick video of the QAnon adherents lined up outside the Grand Rapids venue for Trump's rally then posted it on Twitter. They were, as they say, loud and proud. Some yelled at the camera things like, "Go Q," and "Q baby." All of them wore Trump's red MAGA hats and most sported QAnon tee shirts. Accompanying the video Collins wrote, "I've been covering QAnon for a year and the amount of pro Q people from yesterday's Trump rally line in Grand Rapids is absolutely shocking."

Trump critic, George Conway was quoted as saying the number of QAnon supporters present at the rally was, "Jaw dropping."

It gets weirder. Amazon features a book for sale titled, "An Invitation to the Great Awakening." The author, or authors use the pseudonym, WWG1WGA. It is an acronym for the QAnon catch phrase, "Where We Go One We Go All."

This is how deep the authors go down the rabbit hole: Democrats eat those babies and besides the AIDs virus, the government invented Polio and Lyme disease. In addition, along with Spielberg and Pixar, The Deep State was behind two Indiana Jones movies and "Monsters Inc."

Why "Monsters Inc?" Well, according to the book, the film is coded to show a government plot to collect children's blood in order to provide figures in power with a buzz, and or eternal youth.

According to Amazon's figures, which are amassed by some Hoodoo algorithms, "An Invitation to the Great Awaking" is now number one in sales in the category of, "censorship and politics." It is also ranked 12th in, "hot new releases," and 44th in over all sales.

In the first category the book ranks immediately ahead of those dreary works, "Fahrenheit 451," "Lord of the Flies," and "A Handmaid's Tale." It's average on line rating is five stars, although it is believed most of those reviews are by QAnon people gaming Amazon's system.

In the end, the core beliefs among the followers of QAnon is Donald John Trump is here to save the world from all the baby eating democrats. He and Mueller were secretly working together to expose the child trafficking ring, and now they are ready to make public 25,000 indictments of  government officials who make up the leadership of, The Deep State.

When that happens law enforcement and the military will step in for a bit to make sure there isn't an armed uprising of cannibalistic progressives and we'll all be happy and white again. Indeed, it will be a fairly painless interlude of martial law, unless, of course, you're a liberal in which case you will be, quite deservedly, fucked.

My God, it must be a comfort to the rest of the world knowing we have a president who panders to bat shit crazy people like these.

It obviously is here, at least in some twisted corners.

sic vita est


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