Thursday, September 13, 2018

The NRA's Dana Loesch Is On Top Of The Situation

Sometimes they get just too weird. You know, like in 1999 when Rev. Jerry Falwell accused the British produced kid's television show, "The Teletubbies," of secretly promoting the gay lifestyle. Mr. Falwell became aware of this terrible subterfuge after somebody pointed out to him one of the characters, Tinky Wink, was purple and had an antenna on his head which was shaped like a triangle--both considered international symbols of homosexuality.

Then came Eric Bolling and Dan Gainor on the Fox News show, "Follow The Money." In 2011 they announced the Disney film, "The Muppets," was laced with leftist propaganda meant to brainwash America's children. The proof? The movie's villain was an evil oil baron named, Tex Richman. According to Bolling, "It's amazing how far the left will go just to manipulate your kids, to convince them, give the anti corporate message. Gainor agreed. He said, They've been doing it for decades. Hollywood, the left, the media, they hate the oil industry. They hate corporate America."

Yes, it turns out after all these years, Kermit the frog isn't green at all. He's actually a red. And for those tempted to believe Bolling and Gainor--the Muppets were battling Tex Richman not because he drilled for oil and became rich from it, but because he wanted to tear down their theater.

That brings us to today and National Rifle Association shill, Dana Loesch. A few hours ago, Ms. Loesch became a bit unglued on her NRA-TV on line broadcast, "Relentless." She was enraged because the Nick Jr. Channel's, "Thomas and Friends," has decided to introduce new characters from countries other than the fictional Sodor, where Thomas lives, plus add some girls to the cast.

Now what this has to do with guns is a bit beyond the normal brain, but delusion and paranoia is all the rage these days on the right side of the aisle.

USA Today reports she had this to say about a newly introduced character, Nia, from Kenya. "That's where it gets really strange to me. Am I to understand this entire time Thomas and his trains were white? Because they all have gray faces. How do you bring ethnic diversity? I mean they had to paint what I guess they thought was some sort of African pattern on the side of Nia's engine."

Oh, did I forget to mention the show is geared to pre school children and Thomas and all his pals are cartoon steam engine trains who possess big eyes, talk, and have cute little adventures together?

Loesch continued as the screen switched from her to the image of three trains wearing KKK style white hoods while parked on burning railroad tracks. "Fair, I get it," she said. "Thomas the Tank Engine has been a blight on race relations for far too long. Clearly this is overdue."

According to USA Today, Thomas' maker, Mattel Toys, teamed up with the UN in an effort to show kids the world has many different types of places and--well--trains. In the near future Thomas will be traveling from Sodor to places like China, India, and Australia. As for the addition of more girl train characters? That is a genuine old fashioned U.S. of A. business decision. Research showed over 40% of, "Thomas and Friends," audience are girls. It doesn't take a marketing genius to figure out the math. More girl trains on TV means more toy train sales to girls. Hey, Mattel is, after all, a capitalist venture. Their commitment to altruism is directly related to their quarterly profit margin.

Why all this set Loesch off is up to speculation. Especially since her primary job is making sure NRA members and supporters remain steadfastly addicted to owning firearms and using them when their mood strikes. That and keeping them utterly convinced anyone to the left of Wayne, by God, LaPierre is out to take their weapons away from them.

Was it just crude sarcasm directed at perceived political correctness? Or, perhaps, a knee jerk reaction to UN involvement, no matter how small, in the direction of the show? After all, if Tinky Wink was gay and the Muppets are militant Marxists, who knows what sort of globalist propaganda, "Thomas and Friends," will begin to subliminally indoctrinate the nation's children with.

That's right baby, from gay space aliens and revolutionary puppets, to animated toy trains, the enemies of freedom are not just everywhere, they're sneaky sons of bitches.

Think not? Just ask Dana Loesch. It's obvious, for the good of the republic and our children, she is on top of the situation.


1 comment:

  1. Paranoia knows no bounds and it is important to remember that a lot of people pay much more attention to what you say, than what you do.
