Monday, August 6, 2018

Trump's Supporters: The Truth is What Don Tells Us and What We Want to Hear

On Sunday, Donald Trump tweeted about a 2016 get together between his son, others involved in his presidential campaign, and a Russian national. It read, "...There was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics--and it went no where. I did not know about it!"

Whether he knew about it in advance, or not is up in the air. The media is reporting his former attorney and fixer, Michael Cohen is not only telling them Trump knew about the meeting before hand, but is willing to swear to it under oath.

Whatever the case, the tweet utterly discredits, Don Trump Jr's initial written statement regarding the sit down in Trump Tower. It stated the meeting was strictly about the adoption of Russian babies by American couples. It also contradicts Junior's sworn testimony before congress during which he parroted the adoption tale. All of which, should be rather embarrassing, since it turns out the whole explanation was actually penned by his dear old Dad.

However, as all of us are painfully aware, we aren't dealing with normal people, or circumstances. Beyond exposing his son to the distinct possibility of perjury charges, the Sunday message to the masses also contains yet another blatant lie. It is, to use Trump's word, "totally," illegal to accept either money, or in-kind contributions from a foreigner, or foreign power during a federal election campaign. In other words you can meet with someone to get dirt on an opponent just so long as the person offering it is an American citizen. You can't do it if the person is a fucking Russian, or anyone else who isn't a sworn son, or daughter of these United States of America.

Of course this revelation doesn't mean diddly squat to the Trump faithful, both here and in Moscow. Those clowns are still willing to show up at his stops, chant, "Lock her up," and verbally assault members of the main stream media who are present--all with a gusto not seen since Herr Hitler and his boys staged the Nuremberg Rallies prior to the second World War.

Indeed, many of Trump's minions are now so far gone they inhabit a sort of demented netherworld. The weirdness is such that last week more than a smattering of them showed up at a campaign stop in Florida proudly proclaiming themselves to be followers of the mysterious Q, or QAnon.

For those not in the loop, Q is an anonymous online personality claiming to be a senior intelligence/security agent within the Trump administration who periodically shows up on an alt-right message board internet site. Q states there is not only a deep state conspiracy to overthrow The Big Orange Guy, but that many Hollywood stars--Tom Hanks among them--and prominent democrats have joined together in a vast and ultra secret society of run amok pedophiles.

This particular line of thought is a direct descendent of what was known as Pizzagate. It was an internet conspiracy school which accused John Podesta and Hillary Clinton of running a similar operation out of a Washington D.C. pizza joint named, Comet Ping Pong. It was quite popular in 2016. So much so one of it's vocal supporters was the son of Michael T. Flynn who ended up as DJT's initial National Security Advisor, although not for long.

Pizzagate was pretty much debunked when some wild eyed rube from North Carolina charged into Comet Ping Pong, pulled off a round from his rifle, then found the back room of the place contained empty pizza boxes and jars of red sauce rather than kids in cages.

Yes, as everyone knows, these days you have to go to Texas and other locales near the southern border in order to see such despicable sights sanctioned by government officials. But, I digress.

The simple truth is, even without the Q loons, Trump's cult of personality is so strong nothing he says, or does will ever cost him his core following. To them, he is the messiah they've been waiting so long for.

Let's face it, no matter what the facts, these people--almost unanimously white--have come to believe they are being persecuted by a government which caters to minorities and foreigners. They feel they are being marginalized in their own home, despite all the evidence which says otherwise.

Am I saying the politics of huge numbers of Trump fans, in truth the majority of them, are steeped in racism? Why yes, I am. Hey, it's time someone finally did.

Meanwhile as the civilized world rolls its eyes and shudders as the brutish Donald beats his chest, his core becomes orgasmic because they actually want a president who is not only an inarticulate bully, but quite possibly insane enough to start another major war. When he accuses every ally we have of taking ruthless advantage of America, instead of cringing they stand up and yell, "Finally!" In their world fear is what counts while respect is for pussies.

Conversely, when it comes to his slavish behavior in the face of Vladimir Putin, they simply shake their collective head and say Trump has a master plan which none of us are privy to, but will play out later. It is one the fake news will never admit to, or report.

And when it comes to the media itself, as one supporter said in an interview at a Pennsylvania Trump rally, "Even if the main stream media does tell the truth, which it won't, nobody here will believe it."

That's right, baby, the free press is the enemy of the people. The truth? It's what Don tells us and what we want to hear. Nothing else is real.

Donald Trump has 31 million followers on Twitter. A recent audit of those followers show that up to 49% of them are fake accounts. According to comedian/satirist, Joe Mande it cost him, "like $400," to buy a million Twitter followers.

Well why not? The bigger the number the better, just like the crowd at my inauguration. Look, these suckers will believe anything I say. They always have. They always will.

Tragically, he is right.


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