Monday, August 27, 2018

American Politics: Most Decent and Honest People Don't Want Any Where Near It.

Where do we find these ogres, sociopaths, and congenital liars? And exactly how do they keep achieving success in American politics?

Perhaps the answers to those questions are best left to the science of psychology, or in some instances the forensic profilers of the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit. All voters can do, if they aren't disenfranchised because their grandfathers were born in someplace like Honduras, is reject them whenever possible.

Out in Arizona last week, John McCain's family announced he had decided to stop taking medication for the the aggressive form of cancer he'd been battling for some time.

An aide to an AZ republican candidate for Jeff Flake's soon to be vacant senate seat immediately went on Twitter to propose a conspiracy of sorts. Jonathan Williams wondered if it was, "just a coincidence," the solemn news release came the day his boss, Kelli Ward was launching her final big bus tour of the primary campaign. Ward, who had been crushed by McCain in a senate race a couple of years ago, responded with a tweet which read, "I think they wanted to have a particular narrative that is negative to me."

Yes, Ms. Ward we're all sure damaging your candidacy was the only thing John McCain's family was thinking about when they made the announcement. Especially since the man was so terribly ill he died the next day.

Proving she has learned from the best, Ward quickly deleted the tweet then, according to FOX News, replaced it with one stating the media had made up the whole cruel and unusual story. Unfortunately for her others had already taken screen shots of the original post and they quickly began showing up on places like Facebook. The ex co-chair of the Maricopa County GOP committee, Aaron Borders was one of those with keen eyes and quick fingers. Borders went on to tell the Washington Post, Ward, "...shouldn't be saying any of this. Leave it alone. McCain is not even an opponent. That's about as narcissistic as it gets."

Which of course, begs the question, would her statement have been okay if a dying McCain had been her opponent?

So what choices do Arizona republicans have beyond Kelli Ward? Well, there is former Maricopa County Sheriff and convicted felon Joe Arpaio. He was pardoned for his crimes by Don Trump because he went above and beyond the call of duty when it came to claiming Barack Obama was really born in Kenya and having his deputies pull over Hispanics because they look like they might be here illegally.

The third candidate in the primary is U.S. congresswoman, Martha McSally who establishment GOP pols desperately want to see win. She is ahead in the polls despite Ward and Arpaio charging her with what amounts to treason in some quarters, for not being all in with The Big Orange Guy.

Here in Oklahoma the run off election is tomorrow. In the GOP race for the state's Attorney General's office--once held by Scott Pruitt, who went on to infamy as Trump's head of the EPA--incumbent Mike Hunter was accused of abetting the murder of Mollie Tibbetts. Ms. Tibbetts was a student at the University of Iowa who was allegedly killed by Christhian Rivera. Rivera has also been accused of being in the country illegally.

Hunter's opponent, Gentner Drummond began running a TV spot Friday which shows photos of Tibbetts and Rivera side by side while the voice over intones, Hunter had supported Obama's economic stimulus bill, "...which included up to 300,000 jobs for illegal immigrants."

The narrator goes on to say, "Hunter betrayed us, backing Obama's open border policy that was a magnet for illegals. Now we're suffering the consequences. Illegal aliens in our country. Some committing the most heinous crimes."

Mollie Tibbetts was brutally murdered in Brooklyn, Iowa. Her family has repeatedly requested her death not be politicized, because, in their words, "Evil comes in all colors."

Obviously, Drummond either didn't get the memo, or just doesn't give a rat's ass what the Tibbetts' family wants. It doesn't take much to believe the latter is the case. That's the conclusion one of Oklahoma's U.S. Senators, James Lankford, U.S. House member Tom Cole, and OKC mayor David Holt came to. They all roundly condemned him. Hunter himself declared the ad proved Drummond is, "...unfit to serve in any kind of public office."

Of course, being unfit for public office certainly hasn't stopped anyone from getting elected lately. Indeed the list is not only long, it seems to be growing at an alarming rate.

Let's face it, now days most decent and honest people don't want any where near politics in this country. It's not that they don't believe in the system, or feel public office is beneath them. In the end, they just don't want to put up with the sort of malignant shit that is routinely doled out by the Kelli Wards and Gentner Drummonds of the world.

Hey, who can blame them?


1 comment:

  1. Yep, people we would like to see in positions of public trust, want nothing to do with it. Too much temptation, too much media scrutiny, too much domination by the mean-spirited types on both sides of the philosophical divide. Not a good career choice for most.
