Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Armed Donald Trump Wannabes in Oregon Stretch the Limits of Tolerance

All they are doing is making enemies out of the people they've professed to support.

Charlotte Roderique, Tribal Chairwoman of the Burns Paiute, speaking about the armed yokels occupying Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon.

Yeah, there is a lot of that going around lately. Just ask the average native of Raqqa, Syria.

Ms. Roderique's main concern is that Malheur is home to not only Paiute archaeological and religious sites, but over 4,000 priceless Native American artifacts which are housed in the very buildings Ammon Bundy and his merry band of pranksters now occupy. She has reason for concern. In a story published online by "Indian Country," the Bundy's crew has previously been accused of destroying the ruins of Puebloan homes in Utah by crushing them during ATV runs. In addition the Southern Paiutes claim members of the Bundy family went out of their way to deface ancient Paiute petroglyphs in the Gold Butte area of Nevada, near their ranch.

None of it should come as a surprise since this entire evil enterprise, which began on January 2nd, is nothing more than a land grab meant to enrich a few pot bellied whiter than white ranchers. In the end, all the patriotic posturing is a grotesque sham. In reality their ideology says, let's get the government, the taxpayers, and Native Americans out of the way so we can graze our cattle for free, dig whatever type of mine we want, and cut down every tree in sight. In short, they're Don Trump wannabes with guns.

At this point the Burns Paiutes are so outraged they refuse to meet with anyone from Bundy's gang of vandals. They're also asking the Feds to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law if any Native American site, or relic is damaged, or destroyed during the course of the occupation--a distinct possibility since the group has been busy using a bulldozer to build new roads within the refuge.

Of course the Paiutes aren't the only people who have run out of patience. Oregon Governor, Kate Brown, a democrat, made that perfectly clear this afternoon. In a public statement she said the FBI had initially asked her to stay quiet about the situation in an attempt to keep a lid on tensions in Harney County. Up until now, she has pretty much followed their advice.

However tolerance has it's limits. Especially since various members of the group have wandered around the streets of nearby, Burns unimpeded while they pick up supplies in order to facilitate their unwanted stay and occasionally--rather like outlaw bikers--harass government employees and other locals. To date only two of the bunch have been arrested while in town. One, for stealing a federal vehicle, which he used to drive to a grocery store and another for possession of a firearm after--you guessed it--being previously convicted of a felony.   

During her meeting with the press, she also said, "The situation is intolerable and must be resolved immediately. The very fabric of the community is being ripped apart." She added, "Federal authorities must move quickly to end the occupation and hold all of the wrong doers responsible. The spectacle of lawlessness must end."

In other words, screw a peaceful settlement of the crisis. Take the place back by any means available and make the crazy fuckers pay.

It might be time for just that. The other day, a self proclaimed spokesperson for the group, Lavoy Finicum, told Oregon Public Broadcasting, "The facility will not go back to the federal government, ever."

Governor Brown said the standoff is costing the county $100,000 per week. According to her the state will underwrite those costs, but because of their reluctance to stop this nonsense Oregon is going to bill the Feds after a total amount is calculated.

After 19 days of blatant sedition one can only wonder what the national response would have been if the outfit holding Malheur was comprised of Muslim American citizens demanding that the government cede the land so they could establish a free Islamic state.

If that were the case one has to think Governor Brown wouldn't have had to express her exasperation about the lack of federal intervention. Indeed, the issue would have been settled within days, if not hours.

As it is, we, along with her, will have to put up with these two bit thugs for a bit longer. At least until someone on the federal level decides enough is enough and grows a pair. 

Hopefully that moment of clarity and courage occurs soon, because for many of us this Bundy shit has grown really old.



1 comment:

  1. I'm guessing the Federals are bending over backwards to not have another Waco, or the appearance of another Waco. That's probably what these characters are hoping for.
