Monday, March 3, 2025

Bushwhacking Volodymyr as the United States Becomes a Heel

 What happened last Friday in the White House Oval Office might be, actually probably is, the single most shameful event ever perpetrated by a President and Vice President of these United States of Ameria. There have been past Presidents who have fucked over people and nations, but none have ever gone out of their way to insult, lecture and berate them to their faces while doing it. 

Despite the despicable behavior, Donald Trump, J.D. Vance, Fox News and others closely linked to the sellout of Ukraine, are demanding Volodymyr Zelenskyy apologize for his responses to the vile horseshit he suffered through at their hands. The only thing even remotely comparable that comes to mind happened back in 2006. In February that year then Vice-President, Dick Cheney accidently shot Henry Whittington in the face and chest. As he was being released from the hospital days later, Whittington apologized to Cheney for ruining his day by getting shot--well--by Dick Cheney.  

Of course, everyone connected to that south Texas incident claimed what happened was an accident. The same cannot be said of what transpired last Friday in the Oval Office. In fact the entire ugly affair reeked of a deliberate bushwhacking staged to please Donald Trump's love buddy, Vladimir Putin. 

That might explain why Trump's people allowed Russian state media into the White House to cover the incident. It also might explain why a guy named Brian Glenn was allowed in so he could accuse Zelenskyy of disrespecting America itself by not wearing a suit and tie in the Oval Office--you know like Elon Musk does. Glenn works for an ultra-right wing platform called, Real America's Voice. In his spare time he is Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene's main squeeze. Less than three days after he questioned Zelenskyy's fashion choice, Greene's boytoy claims he has received, "thousands," of death threats. 

While such threats, if true, are regrettable, it's tough to feel sorry for Brian Glenn when the man he insulted, Volodymyr Zelenskyy has had the entire Russian army actively trying to kill him for the last three plus years. 

One Fox News commentator told her audience that it was obvious Donald Trump wants peace no matter what. (So did Neville Chamberlain and all it got him was World War II.) She also declared that Trump deserved the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts. She added that if he doesn't get it, they should stop awarding it altogether.

Who needs to read George Orwell anymore? The age of Newspeak has arrived.

If the rest of the world hadn't figured it out before, Friday's shameful betrayal of democracy proved the United States has turned into what the pro wrestling business refers to as a heel--one of the bad guys in the ring that the fans boo because they cheat and use dirty tactics to win. The sort of person you never turn your back on. 

Indeed, from Europe to Australia and all points in between, thanks to Donald Trump, the world now knows the United States is not their friend and cannot be, under any circumstances, trusted. If that is Donald Trump's idea of strength and respect, then last Friday he nailed it.

Congratulations America, you got what you voted for--full-fledged membership in what Ronald Reagan called, "The Evil Empire." Enjoy your new global role.


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