Late last week the chairperson of the Federal Election Commission went on social media to let the public know Donald Trump had fired her. Ellen Weintraub posted a terse email which was dated, January 21. It read, "You are hereby removed as a Member of the Federal Election Commission."
A little gruff, but perfectly clear, right? According to Ms. Weintraub it is also perfectly illegal. Her written response to the note was: "There is a legal way to replace a FEC commissioner--this isn't it. I've been lucky to serve the American people & stir up good trouble along the way. That's not changing anytime soon." In other words, "Dear Mr. President, Fuck you, I'm not leaving."
FEC commissioners serve six year terms, although if no one replaces them they can stay longer. The Commission, by law, is comprised of three democrats and three republicans. They are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate, just like cabinet members. Unlike members of the cabinet they are not, "at will employees," of the President. In theory they can only be removed, "for cause."
Apparently, Donald Trump's only cause is that Ellen Weintraub is a democrat and he doesn't like her.
That's where we get to one of those gray areas Trump and his mob of fixers exploit so well. The President can name a new FEC Commissioner whenever he wants. The existing precedent is he does so, then, only after that person is confirmed by the Senate, the sitting commissioner steps down. Unfortunately, we know what Donald Trump thinks of precedent and there is no written rule which states a President has to do it that way.
So Ellen Weintraub's only viable legal argument is that Trump hasn't given a legitimate cause for her termination. She may say she is staying, but she has been locked out of her Commission computer and phone. In addition, the FEC website now lists her as a former commissioner. Knowing the efficiency recently displayed by the President's hit men we can also assume the locks on her office door have been changed.
Ms. Weintraub says she is exploring all her legal options which really can mean only one thing--a lawsuit and the accompanying judicial morass that we've come to know so well.
Meanwhile, if the soon to be former commissioner is hoping for some sort of public outcry over the President's actions she is going to be sorely disappointed.
. A recent CBS/YourGov poll shows Trump's current approval rating at 53% among voters. The survey shows Trump's strongest approval rating, 59%, comes from his bellicose deportation policy. The biggest number, however, was more of a neutral one. 70% said Trump, is, "Doing what he promised," during the campaign. To be honest, the question was an absolute no brainer. We all knew he would keep his campaign promises. That's why so many of us didn't vote for the son of a bitch in the first place.
His one semi-weak spot so far is named Elon Musk. According to the poll 23% of Americans think that band of happy hackers and juvenile delinquents at DOGE should have, "a lot," of influence over government spending. while 28% said it should have, "some," influence. 18% thought it should have only a, "little." 31% of those asked thought DOFE should have, "no," influence and presumably believe Elon Musk should take a hit of his favorite brand of amphetamines and fuck off.
If we believe in this poll's numbers Donald Trump is winning, although a lot of it has to do with his high profile deportation policy--a policy which has actually deported fewer illegals on a daily basis than Barack Obama ever did and roughly at the same rate as Joe Biden, although at a much higher cost to taxpayers.
You don't see Elon and his boys all over that one though. It's because they know what Ellen Weintraub doesn't. Not only does Donald Trump carry grudges forever, but, for years, with only a precious few exceptions, he has owned the court system. And now, according to that CBS poll, he has the United States of America in his big ol' fat wallet.
sic vita est
The good times are rolling again