Thursday, October 17, 2024

Dancing With Don and Listening to Kamala

 In July, 1518 residents of the city of Strasbourg were struck by a sudden and seemingly uncontrollable urge to dance...According to historian, John Waller the explanation most likely concerns Sy. Vitus, a Catholic saint, who pious 16th century Europeans believed had the power to curse people with a dancing plague. 

Evan Andrews, writing for the History Channel

Yes, it would seem that terrible plague has returned. How else can you explain what the nation witnessed earlier this week at a pro Donald Trump, "town hall," meeting in Pennsylvania? Of course, the citizens of Stroudsburg danced without musical accompaniment, at least until city officials brought in a band after a few days of all that weird shit starting. At the Pennsylvania get together the music was there the whole time, thanks to candidate, turned dancing DJ, Donald John Trump.

The entire bizarre affair began shortly after a Trump supporter asked him what he would do to help small businesses. Trump's rambling answer, which was quite nearly incoherent, seemed to be that he would increase oil and gas production--despite the fact they are at all-time highs right now--making it cheaper for small businesses to operate. At least that's one interpretation, although there could be many others. At this point who really knows for sure? Within minutes the candidate looked at event emcee, South Dakota Governor, Kristi Noem (men admire her aim and dogs fear her name) telling her, "Who wants to listen to questions? A clear indication he was done. Then Trump demanded to hear his favorite tune, Pavarotti's version of, "Ava Maria." As it played, he began to sway to and fro, disorienting the crowd. You could see them asking themselves, should we stay? Should we leave? For God's sake will someone please tell us what the fuck is going on?  At one point Noem even thanked them for coming, seemingly ending the party.

Trump, however, refused to exit the stage, freezing them in place. Soon other songs were playing, including the gay anthem, "YMCA," to which Mr. Trump displayed his signature, "rocking out," move, the two handed horizontal fist pump--which satirist, Bill Maher has described as looking like the Donald is jerking off two guys at once.

The ghoulishly, demented, display went on for 39 minutes. Not as long as the dancing plague of Strasbourg--it lasted two months--but far too long for modern American sensibilities. (According to Andrews in order to get things back to normal in Strasbourg the authorities finally hauled the dancers off to a mountain top shrine to repent and pray for absolution. Something we know Donald Trump would never agree to, at least not without inciting a riot first.)   

Meanwhile, Kamla Harris was also in Pennsylvania, appearing at a rally which included over 100 GOP power types. More than a few of them had served in the pervious Trump administration and they all were adamant in their support of the Vice President and insistent that Donald Trump should never be allowed into the White House again. And that doesn't even count all the republicans and former republicans currently working for MSNBC who absolutely loathe the man.

The next day, Mr. Trump showed up in front of The Economic Club of Chicago. He was questioned by Bloomberg editor-in-chief, John Micklethwait. Micklethwait proved himself to be a persistent son of a bitch, by time and time again demanding Trump actually answer the questions asked, not the ones he was apparently making up in his own head. 

Afterward the candidate complained Micklethwait was hostile and biased. At the same time his son, Eric was telling Fox's Senan Hannity his dear old dad was at the top of his game and had the Chicago audience eating out of his hand. He also bellyached that the, "liberal media," never held Harris accountable for her lies. 

 Kamala Harris' answer to Trump the younger was to show up on Fox itself.  Last night, she entered the lair of the beast, so to speak. She appeared on Fox for a one on one interview with Trump shill, Bret Baier. Amid a barrage of aggressive questions and interruptions she held her own. At one point she temporarily, at least, shut Baier up when she pointed out the clip he showed of Trump had been carefully edited, omitting many of his damning words. After a moment of stunned silence Baier moved on to another subject. 

Trump, on the other hand, was holding another town hall, this time hosted by the Spanish language network, Univision. Today we learned from the former head of the network the audience had been hand picked by Trump's campaign and the agreement was no fact checking. In other words, Don Trump could run wild with the craziest shit imaginable, completely unattached to the truth. Which is exactly what he did.

There are less than three weeks left until election day, actually not even that since early voting has already begun in many states. The democratic candidate is out there taking chances, getting endorsed by former Trump officials, and answering tough questions posed by members of her opposition. The republican candidate refuses to get involved in another debate, much of the time speaks gibberish, and inexplicably performed a ghastly marathon version of St. Vitus' Dance which MSNBC found so utterly weird they showed it in its entirety. 

For those wondering why this election is even close we have two clues. First, despite the evasions and rambling answers in Chicago, when it came to immigration and tax cuts the crowd remained enthusiastic. And, after dancing with Donald for over a half an hour in Pennsylvania one supporter euphorically told a reporter, "It felt like I was in his living room with him."  

The sum of both those observations translates into two things. First, despite his obvious mental instability and cognitive disintegration, Donald Trump still might end up President once again. And two, no one who is sane, or at least has good taste, should ever want to be in his living room with him when the music comes on.


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