Sunday, January 14, 2024

An Exercise in Predestination in Iowa

 So tomorrow in the frozen corn fields of Iowa the game will be afoot. The media is already in a frenzy over the republican caucus meetings which will begin at 7pm local time. All the polls and all the, "experts," are predicting a massive win for Donald John Trump. Not even sub freezing weather can alter the outcome. Indeed, right now the only relevant questions seem to be who will come in second and will the campaign of Florida governor, Ron DeSantis still exist by Tuesday afternoon.

The answers are simple. It won't make any difference who comes in second. And, given the amount of time and money the immensely unlikeable DeSantis threw at Iowa the odds of him surviving are slim to none. Let's face it, big time contributors have to see the writing on the wall. At this point giving Ron DeSantis more cash is the equivalent of setting it on fire. The return in either scenario is the same.  

Nikki Haley might be able to slow the Trump express a little in New Hampshire, but New Hampshire is an outlier when it comes to GOP primaries. It is the only republican race where evangelicals don't play a major role in the outcome. Even in her home state of South Carolina 58 percent of republican voters consider themselves evangelical Christians and for reasons still unclear to many Trump has some occult hold over the evangelicals. 

Who knows? Perhaps it is because they think the apocalypse is not only inevitable, but a good thing. Or maybe he has photographs of each and every one of them hanging out at Jeffrey Epstein's private island. Let's face it, a lot of people made the trip to those sordid beaches at one time, or another and evangelical leaders have proven themselves to be among the most degenerate souls on the planet.   

In any event, the only true Trump hater in the republican field was Chris Christie. He was a non factor in the polls and now evidence points to him bolting from the party altogether. Rumors are flying he will join West Virginia's Joe Manchin on the No Labels ticket. Both are, as they say, leaving their options open at this time. 

Yes, the entire crusade in Iowa, on everyone's part, feels like a great exercise of predestination. The  only people who don't recognize it are the national media who hopes for a major story and a ratings coup and a few hopeless idealists. The cult of Donald Trump is too deeply entrenched in the GOP culture. It is time to admit Iowa republicans and the GOP nationwide likes the idea of a fascist monster running this country--that they want a dictatorship and all its accompanying evil.  

It is, tragically, where we are at as a people and nation. Nearly half of us prefer being part of a frightened, angry, violent mob rather than a democracy.


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