Thursday, September 28, 2023

Last Night in Simi Valley and the Madness of Donald Trump

 Last night on Fox seven republicans who are running for the party's presidential nomination  gathered on a stage at the Ronald Reagan library in Simi Valley, CA. The bizarre tableau could have been titled, Donald Trump and the Seven Dwarfs, except, of course Trump wasn't there. He was off in Michigan somewhere lying to some workers and it turns out hand picked shills at a non union auto parts plant. He was there at the behest of the plant's management team in order to explain why collective bargaining agreements are evil. Not surprisingly though he spent most of his time, talking about how great and wise he, Donald J. Trump, is. 

The former president appeared to get through the speech without any of the mishaps which have recently plagued him. You know, like telling the crowd he defeated Barack Obama in 2016 and Joe Biden, if re-elected, would start World War II.

Perhaps El Donald is due a little sympathy. Earlier the same day a New York Judge ruled he and one of his kids had committed fraud when they and the Trump Organization had over valued their properties by delirious amounts to secure loans. The decision could directly lead to the Trumps forfeiting huge chunks of property and the right to do any business in the state of New York.

All these legal problems seem to be wearing down Trump's mind. Nearly 100 different felony charges will do that. It is obvious the man began to unravel as soon as the results of the 2020 election came in. The criminal charges have apparently hastened the syphilitic like deterioration of his brain. So much so he doesn't even pretend to be pro-democracy any more. All those inhibitions have been eaten away and only God knows how far he will go now.

We do have some hints though.

Late last year he posted on his private social media outlet, "...Massive fraud of this type (the election results) and magnitude allows the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the constitution." 

We could, I suppose, ask the ghost of James Madison its opinion of that statement, but it's too busy spinning in its grave to respond.

Last week, after promising his justice department would investigate and prosecute NBC and its holding company, Comcast Trump posted this about retiring Joint Chief of Staffs, General Mark Milley: "This guy turned out to be a Woke train wreck, who if the Fake News reporting is correct, was actually dealing with China to give them a heads up on the thinking of the President of the United States. This is an act so egregious that in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH." 

What Milley did was call his Chinese counterpart after the failed coup of Jan. 6th to reassure him an increasingly unhinged Donald Trump wouldn't launch an all out nuclear attack on his country. Milley also called all the pertinent American commanders and told them if they got some, "strange," orders directly from the White House to let him know before they did anything. It is the same thing DOD officials did during those chaotic days before Richard Nixon gave up and resigned. It is called, making sure no one does anything stupid if the old man becomes completely unglued.

Yes, that is how crazy Donald Trump was then. Just think how far his madness has progressed by tow. 

 Meanwhile back in Simi Valley we did learn at least one fact last night. That is, as one wag posted, "Wouldn't it be wonderful if someone loved you as much as Nikki Haley hates Vivek Ramaswami?"

Well yeah it would, but some things are just not possible. 


1 comment:

  1. Well. . . we've come a long way since the 1960 Kennedy-Nixon debate.
