Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Soloman Pena Takes a Shot at Elective Office; After He Loses He Takes a Few More

 Last November, Soloman Pena ran as the republican candidate for New Mexico's 14th legislative district. Like most candidates for a state legislative seat he spent a lot of his time knocking on doors, handing out campaign literature, and asking people to vote for him. Apparently he felt he was well received because by election day he was convinced he was going to win. Mr. Pena seems to have overlooked a simple truth though. When people are face to face with someone running for office, especially on their own door step, they will smile and nod and maybe even wish you good luck. In some cases they might even lie about how they're going to vote just to get your ass off of their porch and out of their face. 

This might have been particularly true in Soloman Pena's case since it was well known at the time he had spent a little over nine years in the slammer for felonies such as burglary, larceny, receiving stolen goods, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. In fact his criminal record was such that Pena's opponent, democrat Miguel Garcia went to court in an attempt to disqualify him from the race. It didn't work.

It didn't have to. When the votes were counted Mr. Garcia won by a shade over 47%. Brother Pena, despite this size of the landslide, immediately howled the election had been rigged.

It really wasn't anything new for him. He had also claimed Trump's 2020 defeat had been fixed. To prove his belief he had gone to Washington on January 6th, 2021 to participate in the madness which took place that day. Although there is no proof he actually entered the capitol building he has proudly posted photos of himself running around the streets of Washington with the rest of the Trumpistas on social media.

Soloman Pena isn't a moron. He spent three years in the navy as a medial corpsman. According to him he also spent much of his nine years in stir, "studying." It is reported he attained a degree in political science from the University of New Mexico. That doesn't mean he won't buy into all the right wing bullshit floating around out there. He has tweeted there is overwhelming proof the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump. Most recently he has supported Arizona's Kari Lake who says if she isn't named governor, despite losing her election, the United States will become another Venezuela.

Reports are Pena approached three different county commissioners in his district with paperwork he says proves he won last November. They all turned him away. Faced with such deep state audacity Soloman Pena did what any self respecting Trumpian loon should. He opened fire on the homes of various democratic officials. Or, at least hired someone else to. Perhaps he was able to recruit these gentlemen from a cadre of friends he made while he was studying for those nine longyears

At this time no one is sure. However, police have said Pena was unhappy with their work because they were aiming too high. So the last job he took on himself, firing several rounds into the home of state senator Linda Lopez. 

Republican leaders in New Mexico are demanding Pena be prosecuted to the fullest extent for his crimes. They don't want any part of him and his particular style of politics, thus proving , at least in New Mexico, the party of Donald Trump has retained a degree of decency, not to mention common sense in it's ranks. Although thanks to Soloman Pena we know these attributes aren't unanimous.

 In fact right now such qualities in the republican party are rare. The terrible truth is  Mr. Pena didn't do anything any number of republicans sitting in congress have at least thought about doing. Just look at some of the old tweets written by Marjorie Taylor Greene. Given their Constant vitriol. we're just lucky more of these gullible clowns haven't gone over the edge. 

Of course, on the bright side, there might be a silver lining, of sorts to this dark cloud, at least for Soloman Pena. If justice is swift and sure he will have a lot more study time on his hands in the next few years. And then who knows, if things go right, maybe he will get his master's degree. 

Hey, who says America isn't great?


1 comment:

  1. These people are not going away. I would like to be able to get along with Trump and his ilk, but how to do that?
