Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Welcome to the Banana Republic--No, Not the Store

David DePape was born in British Columbia, but has lived in Berkeley, CA for a number of years. His main claim to fame, before this past weekend, was being a vocal activist for nudism and as a hemp jewelry maker. He also dove head first into QAnon conspiracy theories, especially when it came to COVID vaccines, censorship, and globalist plots to take over the world. With those ideals in mind he invaded the home of Paul and Nancy Pelosi early in the morning of Oct 28th.    

After DePape whacked Paul Pelosi in the head with a hammer, Elon Musk decided to give his new toy a whirl. He went on Twitter and posted something along the lines of, "There may be more than meets the eye in the Paul Pelosi attack." Along with the cryptic message was a link to a, "report," that blamed the assault on Pelosi's supposed homosexuality. That's right, the 82 year old husband of  the Speaker of the House of representatives, it said, is secretly gay. According to information contained in the link, Paul Pelosi went to a San Francisco gay bar, got drunk, picked up the 42 year old DePape, then took him home for a roll in the sack which turned violent.  

No one, not even Musk, knows who penned the, "report," It just appeared anonymously like all these cruel and baseless right wing accusations' do.. In other words someone just made it up--perhaps Roger Stone, it sounds like something he'd do--and Musk, either out of stupidity, or sadistic joy decided to run with it.

Within a day that nonsense was debunked by DePate himself. He confessed to the FBI he broke in looking for the speaker, not her husband. His plan was to either kidnap her, or hold her hostage until she told him, the truth. If she didn't he was going to break her knee caps so members of congress would see there are consequences for lying. He had with him rolls of tape, rope, and a second hammer, presumably just in case Ms. Pelosi became, let's say, resistant to cooperation. Luckily the San Francisco cops arrived just in time. It is reported Mr. Pelosi received only one devastating blow to the head.      

But wait, as they say on TV ads, there is more. Donald Trump Jr. also took to social media over the weekend. He posted a photo showing a man's underwear and a hammer with a caption that read, "I have my Paul Pelosi Halloween costume ready." He later made some dreadfully droll comment about restricting the purchase of hammers nationwide. At about the same time, Arizona GOP candidate for governor, Kari Lake cracked a joke about the lack of security at the Pelosi residence. The crowd roared with laughter. 

Ms. Lake steadfastly refuses to pledge she will accept the Arizona gubernatorial election results if she loses. Saturday, surgeons had to put Paul Pelosi's skull back together.

Welcome to the Banana Republic--no, not the store--but rather the post Trump United States of America. 

As these words are being typed, in Arizona armed right wing vigilantes are camped out at early voting drop boxes across the state. They are taking photos of early voters, marking down their car license tags, and in some instances following them home. A few weeks ago the former President told a radio host if he is indicted for anything at all there will be violence in the streets. Former Trump savant, Steve Bannon has called upon the MAGA movement to come riding to his and rescue. "You are the cavalry," he said. 

Yes, it would seem the only campaign slogan left available to the GOP is, "Vote for us and no one gets hurt."

Last night MSNBC commentator, Rachel Maddow told her audience there are two avenues for America to go forward. They are free elections, or violence and force. "There are no other solutions',," she said.

She is right. We either have elections and abide by them, or we hand over the nation to the David DePapes of the world. Tragically, it would seem the republicans have chosen the DePape option.

Everything we've seen from them since January 6, 2021 proves it.

Ladies and gentlemen, the midterm elections are seven days away.    





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