Thursday, February 17, 2022

Mercy Hospital, Ekklesia of Oklahoma, Covid-19, Budesonide, and the Fauci Protocol

 The Ekklesia of Oklahoma is part of a global movement of Christ followers and concerned citizens responding to the growing social, political, and economic crises with practical Biblical principles and models that solve specific community and national problems.

From the Ekklesia of Oklahoma home site.

Right now, according to the founder and director of the Oklahoma Ekklesia, Daniel Navejas, part of the, "national problem," are the hospitals who insist on proceeding with, "Fauci's death sentence," when it comes to treating Covid-19 patients.

Mr. Navejas--he shies away from titles like, Reverend and Pastor--became outraged after a member of his flock, Bob Barth, died from the virus at Oklahoma City's Mercy Hospital. According to Barth's widow and now Navejas the staff at Mercy screwed the pooch by failing to dose Brother Bob with a sufficient amount of Budesonide, a drug used primarily to combat asthma.

Budesonide jumped onto far right radar screens a while back after it was proclaimed Covid's, "silver bullet," by West Texas Doctor Richard Bartlett. At the moment though just about every other doctor, medical group, and the CDC say Bartlett's claim is way too premature and untested for Budesonide to be considered a miracle, or any other kind of cure. But, as far as the true believers are concerned, he isn't Anthony fucking Fauci and that's pretty much all anyone needs to know.

In January Bob Barth's wife began to aggressively lobby her husband's treatment team to up the dosage of Budesonide from 1 mg every 12 hours to 1mg every 4. In fact she raised so much hell about it, the attending physician did just that on January 28th. It didn't help. Barth's passing last week prompted Daniel Navejas to post on FaceBook that Mercy Hospital is an, "Evil Marxist controlled death camp." He also wrote, "People are dying, not because of Covid, but literally because they are following Fauci's death protocol." 

Last week Navejas and his supporters, a rowdy crowd numbering in the 10's, protested at Mercy. The Director and a couple of other people got ticketed for trespassing which was okay with our man Dan, because, as he told a local news team, it would bring publicity to Ekklesia and their current cause.

All this would be tragic and darkly funny, but within a day, or so things went way off the rails. In another post addressed to Barth's former lead doctor Navejas accused him of being a, "murderer." Then, "You are a worthless doctor and should be run out of town."

To give everyone a hand in that project, either he, or another member of the Ekklesia posted the doc's home address online. Monstrous allegations from parts unknown and death threats soon followed. Mercy was forced to file a restraining order against Navejas, seeking to prevent him from posting any other private information and or, inflammatory rhetoric. In addition they stationed security at the ER entrance and put the Intensive Care Unit on lockdown.

Mercy also felt it had to issue a lengthy in house statement to its employees, probably because they are aware how quickly social media bullshit turns into collective reality if not immediately rebuked. Among other things the hospital had to remind their staff, there is no such thing as a Fauci Protocol, there aren't any government vouchers paying for specific drugs and treatments, and my personal favorite, the hospital does not make money when its patients die of Covid-19.

The number of people involved in Ekklesia of Oklahoma is unknown. They don't take attendance because they apparently don't believe in having a physical building to gather in, although we can be sure there is a list of donors somewhere. Navejas' FaceBook account has a little less than five thousand followers. The group's website does mention Eufaula and Muskogee as hotspots and we do know the Director has been in Stigler, because that's where he accused state senator Larry Boggs of taking a swing at him. (The local DA refused to press charges.)

What we do know for sure, however, is Daniel Navejas is a demagogue wanna be who is willing to do and say anything to rally the weird, mis wired, and otherwise deranged to his side. 

For those interested they--they probably meaning Daniel Navejas himself--have an online gift shop. Ekklesia tee shirts begin at $22, coffee mugs are available for $7.33, and trucker's hats are a mere $27.

Now, who says America isn't great?

2- 17-22  

1 comment:

  1. I read about this in the online Oklahoman. Nothing I can say that you haven't already. It is tragic and sad that we live in such troubled times.
