Friday, November 19, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse Roams Free Among Us

 The summer of 2020 was an ugly time. The nightmare began on May 25 when George Floyd was murdered, quite publicly, by a Minneapolis cop. The crime was committed by Officer Derek Chauvin who, on a video taken by a witness seemed  really proud of his work. 

Thanks to that video there was no denying the cold brutality of the killing. There was also no chance for the police to claim Floyd was violently resisting arrest, or doing anything else for the nine and one half minutes Chauvin's knee was pressing down on his neck, except dying.

Protests followed the murder, some turning violent. Other acts of violence were perpetrated by anarchists and white nationalists who had no interest in Floyd, but just  enjoyed the sights and sounds of glass breaking and buildings burning down. As the summer wore on the protests continued. Then President Donald Trump issued public threats of military intervention and in some cities sent in unidentified federal agents to break some heads and abscond with protesters in unmarked vans to destinations unknown.

To make matters worse, on August 23rd of that year, Jacob Blake, another African American was killed by the Kenosha, WI police who were answering a domestic disturbance call. Blake was shot multiple times in the back while leaning into the front seat of his parked SUV. Later his killing would be ruled justifiable.

More demonstrations and violence followed in Kenosha. It was into this chaos that 17 year old Kyle Rittenhouse inserted himself on August 25th. 

Young Mr. Rittenhouse wasn't a resident of Kenosha, in fact he didn't even live in Wisconsin, but rather across the border in Antioch, Il. Despite that and the lack of an invitation from anyone in Kenosha he and a pal packed up their AR-15s and hit the road to protect life, property, and The American Way.

Before the night was over he had killed two fellow human beings and wounded another. After the shootings he was thanked by Kenosha cops, given a bottle of water and sent on his way back to Antioch. Imagine his shock a few days later when he was arrested  on charges of murder. The right wing masses howled with anger and some of them shelled out enough cash that Rittenhouse was able to post a  $1 million bond. 

His plea was self defense, Never mind Kyle Rittenhouse chose to be there, armed with the preferred weapon of mass shooters everywhere, had no police training, and panicked when he was approached by the angry crowd. No matter that he had caused the very situation which put him in his precarious position,.

Today we found out it worked. Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty on five counts. He walks free among us, living proof the second amendment has been twisted and perverted beyond all its original intent.

Indeed, it would seem any sort of  vigilante action is now justified, or at least condoned in Wisconsin, if not all of America. 

My money says that isn't exactly what the founding fathers intended.


1 comment:

  1. Chances are good he was full of adrenaline and beer, not a good combination under the best of circumstances. I would like to know how a 17 year old got possession of an AR-15. I fear that our national nervous breakdown has degenerated into mass madness.
