Thursday, January 21, 2021

QAnon Dies a Sudden Death: Mighty Trump Has Struck Out, But Others Step Into the Batter's Box

Yesterday was a hard one if you are among those who believe in the Q mythology. The word had gone out after the failed coup on the 6th of January that their Golden Calf, Donald Trump had one more, grand, move to make.

The inauguration of Joe Biden was a gigantic set up perpetrated by the mystical leader they said. Trump had it planned perfectly. The entire democratic leadership had been lured into one place. Before either Kamala Harris or the President Elect would take their oaths of office all commercial TV and radio broadcasts would be cut off. Employing the National Emergency Broadcast System Trump would appear to declare martial law. At that moment the newly minted Space Force, the President's personal branch of the military, would arrest every single democrat present, plus a few of the Hollywood elite who were hanging out in Washington. Very quickly all those globalist pedophiles, baby eaters, and communist sons of bitches would be charged with crimes against humanity. Trump would then be sworn in for a second term making America truly great again.

That's right, the nation would be cleansed as operations rapidly spread out across the republic to shut down fake news outlets such as MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, and any other perceived anti Trump organizations. The infamous lesbian, Rachel Maddow would be shot, or strung up. Sean Hannity would be beatified. Eric and Don Jr. would be free to hunt and kill wild game at the San Diego Zoo.

The belief in Trump's final solution was so solid some purchased HAM and citizen band radios in order to keep in touch with other believers and Trump himself. Others bought canned goods and bottled water in mass quantities in anticipation of temporary shelter in place orders while the military rounded up deviants and everybody to the left of Ted Cruz including neighbors and suspect family members. 

The sanity of those believing all this would happen could be and has been questioned. Some in the media have expressed sympathy for what they describe as poor deluded quasi cult members who were duped while living in some sort of information bubble far too weird for even Fox News. Others have no sympathy for people stupid enough to have bought what amounts to a political Brooklyn Bridge.

Whatever the case the whole Byzantine web came crashing down when the inauguration of Biden and Harris went off without a hitch. Trump fled to Florida early in the morning. The Proud Boys and others failed to show. The National Guard and Space Force remained steadfastly loyal to the constitution and much to their stunned horror, for the first time in years, reality reared its stone cold head.

Howls of betrayal reverberated through those social media sites which remained open to them. The cryptically vague Q had sold them out. Trump, who was widely considered anointed by God Almighty to rule the United States for as long as he wanted flew off to Mar a Lago whimpering like a beaten dog. They had been lied to--made, as Rudy Giuliani said on that brutal day two weeks ago, to look like fools.  

Yes an entire belief system went up in flames in a matter of minutes. The Lord's own had deserted them. For many it was the equivalent of Jesus Christ telling Pilate, Hey, I'm sorry, I really didn't think the idiots would take me seriously. Let me go and I won't give you any more trouble.

Where the followers of Q go from here is anyone's guess. The New York Times reports white nationalist groups are already trying to recruit the disenchanted. One thing is certain, most while crushed by the events of yesterday, still maintain the election was stolen by Biden and his nationwide network of operatives.

Indeed, even while the most desperate and crazed fantasies are proven wrong, others, equally outrageous, remain firmly fixed thanks to Cruz, Jason Hawley and other professional seditionists.

All we know at the moment is Hunter Thompson's axiom, "Cut off the head and the body will die," is sometimes wrong. Trump has retreated into shame, but other potential messiahs remain. The Q movement will evolve into something different. Just like the Millerites did when their leader predicted the second coming of Christ in the 1840's, but it failed to happen.. Elders quickly decided their founder's math was a tad off, then formed the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

In another vein, mighty Trump may have struck out, but, as we've seen too many times before, others are already jostling to take his place in the batter's box.

Sic Vita Est


1 comment:

  1. A good point you make. At the end, the very end, Trump gagged and did the right thing. Next time, we may not be so lucky.
