Saturday, December 26, 2020

Donald Trump Rages While Uncle Mitch Rules

The U.S. Supreme Court has been totally incompetent and weak on the massive Election Fraud that took place in the 2020 Presidential Election. We have absolute PROOF, but they don't want to see it.--No "standing" , they say. If we have corrupt elections, we have no country!

Donald John Trump, 45th President of the United States of America writing on Twitter, at 7:51 AM, Saturday, Dec. 26th, 2020.

At least the President didn't whine about what he must consider the shocking disloyalty displayed by the third of the court which he appointed. You know it has to gall him though because Donald Trump's entire life has been one never ending series of quid pro quos. It has been a career straight out of "The Godfather." Only now in Trump's eyes the baker has refused to deliver the cake to Connie's wedding and the funeral director won't touch Sonny's bullet riddled body. And it's just because of some outdated document he has never read called the Constitution.

Even Mitch McConnell recently betrayed El Donald, at least in his mind, by congratulating President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President Elect Kamala Harris on their November win and coming inauguration. It was a trip into reality that set Trump off on another Twitter rampage in which he took credit for McConnell's latest re-election and that of seven other GOP senators. He promised he would, "NEVER FORGET," them abandoning him in his hour of need.

Within a week he proved it when he suddenly and unexpectedly went all Bernie Saunders on McConnell's painfully constructed COVID relief bill by demanding $2,000 in relief per person as opposed to McConnell's proposed $600. At the same time Trump put the federal government in jeopardy of shutting down because of a lack of funding. This after he had sat around for all these months as the Secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin hammered out the details with McConnell and the House leadership--presumably with the President's explicit approval. 

Hey, let's face it, it's highly doubtful Donald Trump cares if the average citizen gets $600, or two grand. However, he does care about fucking with McConnell, especially after Mitch jumped the ship he was never truly on. 

Yes, upon further review, as they say, it is highly probable that Senator McConnell has reached a place in his career where he doesn't really give a shit who is President. As long as he is the majority leader in the upper chamber he calls the legislative shots. It is a rare pinnacle of power reached by only a select few, J. Edgar Hoover being one. Chief Executives come and go, but like Hoover, McConnell stays on, deciding who will get a seat on the federal bench, determining who will serve in the cabinet, and even who will be the ambassador to Mother Russia, not to mention exotic places like Paraguay. 

Indeed, it is easy now to think the senior Senator from Kentucky ultimately considered Trump a crude clod from the beginning, to be used for a greater purpose--his. That's right, humor Trump and every now and then when he gets too crazy, like right now, step back a bit, talk sanity for a few minutes, then move ahead with the grand McConnell plan. Hell, that plan might even sound half way reasonable after everyone hears the ravings of The Mad Orange King. 

The terrible fact of life here in the U.S. of A. is ever since Mitch McConnell took over as Senate Majority Leader he, not Obama, or Trump has been the most powerful politician in the land. Trump might have nominated those Supreme Court Justices, but the Gentleman from Kentucky is the one who made sure they were seated.

And now, barring a miracle in Georgia, he will wield the same brute power even after Joseph R. Biden becomes President.

Uncle Mitch knows it too--don't think for a moment he isn't reveling in it.


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