Saturday, February 29, 2020

Don and the COVID-19

You would have to live in shed somewhere in the Carpathian mountains not to know the current President of the United States makes everything--absolutely everything--about himself. That's right, if it exists on the planet earth and is beneficial to anyone it is thanks to Donald John Trump. On the other hand if it is detrimental in any way, shape, or form, it is part of a plot to sully his reputation and ultimately remove him from office.

It is also a well known fact The Big Orange Guy isn't much on scientific research, or facts, especially if any of it screws with what he is trying do, or claims to have done. When you combine that with his propensity to nurture and spread grand conspiracy scenarios you have a recipe for a disaster worthy of some cable TV story line.

Indeed, Donald Trump is America's first true, "Info Wars," president. Which pretty much explains why one of his ardent supporters in the Senate, Tom Cotton, R-AR, went on national TV to say the coronavirus, or COVID-19, exists due to a Chinese biological warfare lab located outside of the city of Wuhan, China.

Cotton failed to explain if the virus, which quickly swamped Wuhan and its province Hubei, escaped by accident, or its presence is some nefarious Fu Manchu style plot to destroy the world. Although there is no evidence which points to the mad scientist option, some online wankers are already posting not only is the epidemic man made, but there is a secret cure available only to the uber rich ruling class. To put it crudely the Illuminati have paid off someone to help the cull the herd.

Trump has publicly ignored Cotton's rants, at least for now, because disease and fatality rates really don't concern him. No, the President has another conspiracy he is dealing with when it comes to the coronavirus.

This past week stocks took a nose dive mainly because U.S. manufacturing and tech businesses are overly dependent on Chinese goods and labor. Both are hard to come by when the Chinese government is shuttering entire plants and factories in an effort to curb the spread of the disease. Reality, though, has never been big Don's strong point.

That's why, according to Mr. Trump and his toadies, the Chinese aren't the problem. Indeed, the suddenly shrinking market is because of that ever evil duad of democrats and the main stream media. They are, the theory goes, intentionally spreading panic among traders on Wall Street, hoping to crash the market in order to--you guessed it--cause Donald Trump to lose the November election.

Yesterday, at that giant right wing pep rally/orgy known as CPAC White House Acting Chief of Staff, Mick Mulvaney said as much. There was no doubt, he told the crowd, the democrats and media were overhyping the spread of the virus in order to hurt Donald Trump. He went so far as to advise conference goers to turn off their TVs for a couple of days in order to calm down and catch their collective breaths.

Meanwhile other Trump supporters are shrugging off the surge of cases outside of China and the danger they present. It's like the flu, they say, and has the same death rate. Well, not really. The death rate of the flu is 0.1% while it is currently 2.0% for the coronavirus. In other words you are 20 times more likely to die of COVID-19. The older you are the higher the deadly figure goes. If you have pre existing respiratory conditions, or other health problems, such as diabetes, or heart disease, you are in serious trouble if the wrong person coughs your way.

The good news is, despite what 38% of those recently polled think, you can't catch the coronavirus from drinking Corona beer. You also can't contract it from eating Chinese food, or from your pets.

The bad news is earlier today the first person in the United States died from the virus. World wide there are confirmed cases in 62 different countries. 86,019 have been infected, 2,942 have died, and 39,766 have completely recovered.

Don't worry though, Don Trump put his VP, Mike Pence in charge of the U.S. effort to stem the tide of COVID-19 cases. Let's face it, Pence is just sitting around anyway, so he might as well have something to do. His first act was to order CDC officials and anyone else in the government to clear all public statements about the virus through his office before saying anything.

The President on the other hand isn't worrying himself with the actual contagion. He has other things to do during this election year, particularly since the democrats and press have now pounced on a new issue designed to undermine his personal path to glory and even more gold.

Hey, like I told you, it really is all about him.


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