Friday, December 27, 2019

First The Squad and Now, The Outer Limits Crew

First came, "The Squad." It is a foursome of congresswomen, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib. Not only are they women, but women of color who are progressives bound and determined to move both the democratic party and the nation to the left.

Now we have a second quartet, although no one is exactly sure what to call them, at least not yet.

This bunch is comprised of Matthew Lusk, Danielle Stella, Rich Helms, and Erin Cruz. None of them hold a seat in congress, but each of them want to and they are running hard to get there. All four have a couple of things in common. First is a deep and abiding love for Donald John Trump and all things on the right edge. Second, each has an interest in and a fascination with that magical, mystical entity known as QAnon--so much so they are actively campaigning on what could be described as the Q ticket.

For those not completely familiar with the Q phenomena it revolves around an individual, or individuals who began posting on the 4Chan message board in 2017. The tale is Q is a government official with top super secret clearance. He, she, they send out cryptic messages meant to keep the people informed about a savage, yet, covert war being waged between Don Trump and a seemingly endless list of ruthless enemies. These enemies include Hillary Clinton, the Hollywood elite, globalists, what is known as, "the deep state," presumably the Illuminati, and for all we know your local chapter of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. Trump's foes, according to Q, are so vile they commit acts of pedophilia, possibly host cannibalistic feasts, and control child sex trafficking rings for fun and profit.

NBC News notes Mr. Lusk is running unopposed in the republican primary for Florida's 5th district seat. His campaign posters read, "Matthew Lusk for Congress--Putting America First." On the back is a large, "Q," in black ink. In an interview, Lusk cheerily told NBC, "You never know when you'll run into somebody else who's interested in Q." He lists Q as one of the issues on his campaign web site. He also told the network, "Do I think there's powerful pedophiles out there? Yes. Is the ring like in supreme control of globalization? No, I think they are just like a fringe group within the power elite."

Ms. Stella is running for Minnesota's 5th district. If she wins the primary, which is sort of iffy, since she has been charged with a couple of counts of shoplifting--incidents which she says she doesn't remember because she suffers from PTSD--she will face none other than Ilian Omar. Her response to questions from NBC came through an Email from her campaign account. It read, "I find it appalling NBC would work so feverishly to defend child and sex traffickers, their funders and, and their enablers."

Brother Helms, who is a candidate in Texas' 33rd district has, in the past, according to NBC, retweeted and expressed support for QAnon accounts. However, when contacted by the media outlet he refused to respond.

Ms. Cruz is running in California's 36th district. While not as overt about her Q support she did say, "I think we that we have to be very careful about what we think, or call conspiracy theories." She added that she believed QAnon fans have, "legitimate concerns." She also posited to NBC that some of the Q messages contain valid information.

Well there we have it. Let's call them, The Outer Limits Crew. While not having access to local polls it is hard to say if any of them will win, although Danielle Stella seems far too weird, not to mention criminal, to secure her party's nomination.

The real problem here isn't four ultra right wing cranks running for the United States House of Representatives. No, the real problem is this Q shit, which is less legitimate than even the wildest of ancient alien theories, has now oozed into main stream American politics.

At this point one can only imagine how hard Vladimir Putin and his paid trolls are laughing.


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