Thursday, November 14, 2019

Day One of the Impeachment Inquiry: The Ugliness Has Just Begun

Day one of the House public impeachment inquiry is in the books and as expected both sides are claiming victory.

Indeed, the one thing we can be certain of is the proceedings didn't change anyone's mind about the guilt, or innocence of Donald J. Trump. If you think he is a two bit thug who was trying to pull off some mafia style protection racket scam, nothing Ambassador Bill Taylor, or State Department Ukrainian whiz George Kent said will dissuade you of that belief. On the other hand if you're convinced Don Trump is the greatest thing since pulp free orange juice you probably agreed with every, sometimes unhinged, rant delivered by Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes.

Nunes jumped on the conspiracy trolley early. During his opening statement he began jabbering about a Ukrainian plot to rig the 2016 election in Hillary Clinton's favor. This, according to Nunes and others, was the real scandal that year, not the Russians intervening on behalf of Big Don. To those on the uber right, Kent's calm response--there is no credible evidence the Ukrainians did anything during the 2016 election and that's right, the Russians did interfere--just means he is part of the Deep State plot to destroy the President.

In fact Nunes was not shy about explaining the impeachment process in terms that would rile up Trump's Almighty Base. He tossed around the word, "coup," a couple of times and accused democrats of attempting to invalidate the votes of the people who elected DJT three years ago. If you were listening to him and didn't know any better--and a lot of fascist wankers don't--you would think all this impeachment stuff is a brand new thing in the history of the republic designed expressly to fuck with Donald Trump.

Other republicans were using what could best be called a scatter shot defense. One line of logic went, well he might have tried to lean on Ukraine for political dirt on Joe Biden, but it didn't work and they got the weapons anyway so there is no crime. Or, put another way--someone ratted me out to the cops before the hit man I hired whacked my wife, therefore I'm not guilty of attempted murder.

A couple argued since the Ukrainian president said he didn't feel threatened by the call from Trump there was obviously no intent on Trump's part to either bribe, or extort some sort of investigation out of him. Of course when President Zelensky was asked that question he was sitting right next to The Big Orange Guy and his country remains in desperate need of further American military aid. Given the circumstances he probably felt fudging the truth a tad was more a matter of national survival than some gross lapse of morality.

Finally there were accusations that neither Kent, or Taylor had actually talked to Trump about the situation, or had they personally heard the phone call in question. While technically true all the blather about second and third hand information ignores the fact Trump himself began this furor when he released a copy of what he said to Zelensky. As Trump is wont to tweet, "READ THE TRANSCRIPT!!!" Guess what you silly son of a bitch, we did. That's why there is an impeachment inquiry going on right now.

The republicans continue to claim Adam Schiff is blocking witnesses from appearing when in fact that list is a short one, containing a single name. On the other hand the number of people the administration has forbidden to testify seems to grow every day. GOP demands to confront the whistleblower face to face continue even though such demands are in of themselves illegal.

Yes, it is a wild ride at the moment and people on social media are running amok. Many of the far right are calling for Schiff to be tried for treason. A couple have even suggested nothing, but a military tribunal will do since you can't trust the judicial system. On the left more than a few are saying yesterday's hearing was a great victory and proof positive Trump is guilty.

We aren't there yet fellow political junkies, but the train has left the station.

And, as we all should know by now, the ugliness has just begun.


1 comment:

  1. You didn't mention if the bar is open. Perhaps you have sold out already?
