Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Wayne Allyn Root Prophecy and the Guy Who Believes Him

Wayne Allyn Root is one wild and crazy guy. Years ago he was one of those people who claimed Barack H. Obama wasn't born in the United States. Actually he and Obama attended Columbia University during the same time frame. At first Mr. Root stated Obama was never there, but after a while changed his story and said Obama was there, but as a foreign exchange student. He has also stated Obama is gay and referred to him on occasion as, "Bathhouse Barry." In addition he once stated he had information gleaned from Chicago friends of Obama which concerned the former President's, "sordid past." Why he has yet to reveal that information remains a tad foggy.

Brother Root also believes Hillary Clinton, or others high up in the democratic party murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich, because it was Rich, not the Russians who sent Ms. Clinton's emails to Wikileaks. Rich was killed during a mugging on a Washington D.C. street. His parents have had to threaten to sue clowns like Wayne Allyn Root because they refuse to stop using his name and images on social media and TV while promoting the conspiracy.

When it came to the nightmare in Charlottesville, VA, Root claimed the trouble between white nationalists and those protesting against them was caused by paid actors, or infiltrators hired by George Soros. On the day of the massacre in Las Vegas he immediately, "reported," the city was under a coordinated attack by Muslims.

So who would listen to such a complete crank?

How about the President of the United States of America.

The week had started off with religious overtones for Donald J. Trump when he told everyone, "Any Jewish people that vote for a democrat--I think that shows either a total lack of knowledge, or great disloyalty."

The critics of Trump immediately began to howl like half starved wolves, among them not just a few Jews. Not to worry though, because along came Wayne Allyn Root to the President's rescue.

Now it wasn't scary that someone like Root would tweet such crazed bilge like he did. Hell, we've all come to expect complete insanity emanating from the Trump universe. No, the scary part is the man who is capable of launching nuclear weapons not only enjoyed it, but quoted him in full over three tweets.

If you run the tweets together it went like this. "Thank you to Wayne Allyn Root for the very nice words. 'President Trump is the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America, he is the best President for Israel in the history of the world and the Jewish people love him he is king of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God, but American Jews don't know him, or like him. They don't even know what they're doing, or saying any more. It makes no sense! But that's okay if he keeps doing what he's doing, he's good for all Jews, Blacks, Gays, everyone. And importantly he's good for everyone in America who wants a job.' Wow!"

We'll never confuse Mr. Root's compositions with those of, let's say, F. Scott Fitzgerald, but obviously that didn't matter to Don Trump. Indeed, it was the content that counted, not the semi literate style.

Later in the day, in keeping with the messianic theme, during a discussion about the trade war with China, Mr. Trump looked to the sky for a moment and proclaimed himself, "the chosen one," to wage it.

Being an Episcopalian I'll admit to having a limited knowledge of biblical prophesies. However, I'm pretty sure Donald John Trump isn't the king of Israel, the second coming of God, or even the divine, chosen one. And I'm pretty sure it would take some truly convoluted interpretations of The Good Book to think it says so.

Others agree. #Twentyfifthamendment began trending on Twitter minutes after his last statement. The 25th amendment allows a sitting cabinet to remove a President from office if he is physically incapable, or just too bat shit crazy to perform his duties as chief executive.

Of course chances of that happening are nil. Hey, Trump's cabinet members have been around him long enough to consider themselves apostles at this point--and for all we know, Putin, Kim, and that boob in Brazil are liable to show up at the White House parking garage some time soon bearing gifts.

Well, El Don is probably hoping they will.

Ladies and gentlemen, the nation is in trouble. If you didn't think so before, you should realize it now. The man is unraveling right before our very eyes. There is no other explanation for the behavior we've seen this week.


1 comment:

  1. There are many stories, from the Bible to modern day news reporting, of persons being brought low by hubris, especially those who claim any kind of equality with God. I don't know if Trump came that far in this instance, but he's getting dangerously close.
