Thursday, January 24, 2019

Wilbur Ross Doesn't See a Problem For Federal Employees While Don Trump Commits Extortion

The current Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross doesn't understand why there is all this fuss about federal employees missing a couple of paychecks. According to him they should simply take out loans until the President's extortion scam runs its course and the government re-opens.

Here is what he said the other day, "When you think about it these are basically government guaranteed loans because the government has committed these folks will get their pay back once this whole thing gets settled down." He added, "So, there is really not a good excuse why there really should be a liquidity crisis." He finished by saying, (The employees), "might have to pay a little bit of interest, but the idea that it's a paycheck, or zero is really not a valid idea."

Of course, Secretary Ross is estimated to be worth around $700 million so he might be a tad out of touch with the life of say a United States Coast Guard enlisted man. USCG Seamen with 10 years experience, make on average, $31,164 per year. Or that of a U.S. Park Ranger, who grosses $38,338 per year and a TSA agent at your local airport who brings in $40,160 a year.

Plus, Mr. Ross, who once had a thriving business relationship with Vladimir Putin's son in law, should know a basic fact about lending institutions--at least the ones not run out of a bar booth by a guy named Vinnie the Leg Breaker. They are more apt to loan money to people who really don't need it rather than some poor schmuck who is down to about five bucks in his, or her checking account, no matter who is guaranteeing it.

Besides, as tens of millions of people know--when you're earning 40 grand a year, or less and paying for a car, rent, utilities, food, and maybe a kid, or two, there is no such thing as a, "little," interest.

Yes, if this current act of national black mail has taught us anything it is Don Trump's, "great economy," is a flimsy house cards when it comes those millions of Americans who are still trying to cling to the notion they're part of the middle class. Let's face it, the people he's furloughed, or demanded to work without pay aren't some lazy grubs who live on other's tax dollars. They are Americans going to work like most do, toiling diligently for a raise and a promotion, yet all it takes is one, or two missed paychecks for vast numbers of them and us, to be completely fucked.

Not that such cruel circumstances matter to people like Wilbur Ross, or the current resident of the White House. Both of them have no concept of what it feels like to know, really know, you and your family are within a precious few days of going without heat and light, or worse, getting thrown out onto the streets.

This insulation, not to mention some obviously inbred sadistic tendencies, free them to use 800,000 civil servants as pawns in a cruel game. What Donald John Trump is essentially saying is, Give me what I want, no matter how nuts it is, or I will destroy the lives of nearly a million people and their families.

That's what we've come down to in this country. We have a man in the White House who, if he feels stymied by the opposition party, will simply inflict economic havoc, pain, and panic on as many citizens as possible until he gets his way. And if he succeeds this time, he'll do it again and again and again. Nancy Pelosi knows it, we all do.

My God, we don't have a president sitting in the Oval Office, we have an Alphonse Capone on steroids.

If you don't think so just ask, Mike Cohen and his father in law.


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