Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Survey Says the American Republic is Doomed

Sometimes you have to wonder about things. You know, like how did we get ourselves in this incredible situation? After all the nation doesn't normally vote for a guy who has no comprehension of the separation of powers, views one half of congress as treasonous and believes the other should be his personal toadies--all the while constantly portraying any media criticism of his administration as out right lies.

Indeed, the current resident of the White House openly admires autocrats and dictators and seemingly has little use for free elections. So much so, months ago he told a group of mega-donors  having a president for life, like they currently do in China is a fine idea and we should, "...try it here someday." According to reports the conservative money bags in the room cheered when he said it. God only knows how raucous the approval would be if he included such a line in a speech delivered in some back woods hall in West Virginia.

So, exactly how did we get here? 

Well, let's face it, American democracy is a fragile thing and it becomes even more so when scads of people have little, or no understanding of it, or its history. And, thanks to a recent poll taken by an outfit called Lincoln Park Strategies, we just found out how appallingly wide spread that lack of understanding is.

The first thing they discovered is only 36% of 1,000 red blooded, hamburger eating, born here Americans could pass the same test immigrants are required to take before they can become naturalized citizens. In other words on a multiple choice exam, 64% of those participating didn't know things like how many U.S. Senators there are, how old you have to be in order to vote, or even the names of just two cabinet positions.

The poll also revealed most thought the Constitution was signed, sealed, and delivered in 1776. 87% didn't have a clue it and the Declaration of Independence are distinctly different documents and the Constitution wasn't ratified until 1788.

In addition, while some of us have spent the last few weeks watching the gruesome Brett Kavanaugh affair play out in the news there is ample evidence many others were more interested in stuff like "American Gladiators." Despite the prolonged drama and vitriol of the confirmation process the survey showed 57% of those responding still don't know how many justices sit on the supreme court.

Of course, when the questions turned to U.S. history the depths of ignorance reached new lows. 60%  couldn't name the countries the United States fought in WWII. In fact 6% believed Dwight D. Eisenhower commanded American troops in Vietnam while 12% were convinced he was a civil war general.

72% couldn't correctly name the original 13 states. But that's okay, because 76% didn't know why American colonists fought the British in the first place. The same number couldn't identify one thing Ben Franklin is famous for.

For those wondering, Lincoln Park Strategies stated the poll has a margin of error that's plus, or minus 3%. The age demographic showed those 65 and older rang up the most correct answers and people under the age of 45 did the worst.  

Given the results, is it any wonder people are cheering that whole president for life thing? It appears the entire American system of government and its past are just too complicated and bothersome for them to deal with. That's right Don, just tell me the nation's real history, then what to do and when to do it. Listen, if you will, I'm your guy, or gal from now on. And while you're at it could you please pull the plug on CNN and MSNBC right after you shut down The New York Times and Washington Post--they all give me a fucking headache.

Yes, it looks like the republic is doomed. If not in the next six years under Donald John Trump, who is a perfect fit for all this willful stupidity, but certainly within another generation when we find someone else just like him.

Tragically, as these numbers tell us, by then not only will no one care, there won't be anyone left who even remembers what it was like before the fall.

sic vita est


1 comment:

  1. We have seen the best days of the USA, feasted too long on the truly noble accomplishment of ending WWII. At least, we were privileged to live those days of a truly fine era. Not perfect, but better than most, in my view. The future for our children and grandchildren will be far different and more challenging. Shortly before my grandmohter's death in 1970, she said that she did not want to live in the world as it had become. Sadly, almost half a century later, I understand what she meant much better than I did then.
