Monday, March 12, 2018

Remaining Stuck For Another Week With a Bizarre and Brutal Reality--Then Escaping With the Thursday Tip Off and, at the Advice of the Eminent Doctor, a Road Trip

Let's face it, things have spun out of control. The Russians have been running completely amok for a couple of years now. That's when it dawned on them Americans will believe anything if it's plastered all over social media. The proof is in the hysteria. Just take a look at the Obama birther hullabaloo and the 2012 Mayan end of time thing. You can almost hear Vlad Putin laughing his ass off as his people  spread unfounded rumors, libelous allegations, and outright science fiction over the internet, leading large portions of the U.S. electorate into unbridled chaos and frenzy.

Then there is Donald Trump. He can rile up the trailer park fascists with the best of them, but when it comes to actually running the country he has all the acumen of a meth addict deep in the throes of a paranoid psychotic break. Even worse, his contempt for the American style of democracy is such that a little over a week ago he had this to say to a bunch of supporters and donors, "President Xi Jinping (of China) is a great gentleman and now he's president for life. And look he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll have to give that a shot some day." Rather than reacting in horror and revulsion the arch conservative audience went all orgasmic with glee and cheered him lustily.

Meanwhile 14 Florida school kids and three of their teachers were shot and killed by yet another lunatic who bought a semi automatic weapon as easily as he could a bunch of bananas. They apparently have died in vain despite the anguish and outcry from their friends and loved ones. After a private meeting with the NRA poohbahs El Donald has begun to back peddle on his own gun control proposals, proving once again, in American politics, bucks count for much more than common sense and high school campuses piled high with dead bodies.

Yes, given the circumstances, it is time to change the dial, so to speak.

Luckily two things are about to happen. First the NCAA men's basketball tournament tips off tomorrow and Wednesday with play-in games, then in earnest on Thursday. Since I never pay attention to the Tuesday-Wednesday action that gives me nearly 48 hours to study the brackets, make my picks, and get in touch with one, or more of the prominent book makers in the local market.

The field seems muddled this year and while there are a couple of teams who look to be final four material, no one stands out as completely dominant. All sorts of so called experts are on the net and airwaves talking historic trends, past tournament runs and traditional flame outs. They are a bunch of fools and shills and have approximately the same success rate as my wife. She has far better things to do than analyze this shit, so makes her picks based entirely on the likeability of team mascots and colors.

Well everyone has a system. Who is to say hers is any less valid than, say, some guy who thinks he's a wagering genius because he put money on Alabama in this year's college football playoffs.

Beyond the tournament and following the advice of that eminent physician, Dr. Evans, we'll escape from the southern plains this weekend in order to make a road trip to Santa Fe and--weather permitting--certain retail outlets in southern Colorado specializing in pesticide free botanicals.

Indeed, get away from the news and social media. Make sure the only thing on TV is college basketball, while swilling massive amounts of Tequila accompanied by crates of lime and barrels of salt. Find a mountain, climb the fucker, then bask in the moonlight as a layer of snow glows blue-white all around. That's right, go Ice Age Primal--get back to Nature, by God

That's the plan anyway. And yes, the weekend cannot get here fast enough.

Until then we will remain stuck with a bizarre and brutal reality that is everything other than what it should be.

And just think, that's without any help from the foul quacks who manage the MK-Ultra project.  

sic vita est


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