I fully believe vaccines cause autism. It's another example of crimes against humanity. And innocent babies, children, and their families are the victims.
Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-GA
Of course Ms Taylor Greene believes a lot of things. In the past she has blamed wildfires in California on Zionist controlled space lasers. More recently she told anyone who would listen that unknown persons were spying on her through her television set. She knew this she said, because a momentary glitch in her TV allowed her to see one of them at his lap top peering in at her.
Despite the Congresswoman's vast scientific, technical, and medical knowledge there are many who disagree with her assessments.
An article in Scientific American also addresses autism and why the number of cases world wide, not just the United States is on the rise. First off, the publication notes, "There is no blood test, brain scan, or any other objective test that can diagnose autism---although researchers are actively trying to develop such tests. Clinicians rely on observations of a person's behavior to diagnose the condition. In other words whether your kid has autism, or not is completely up to the doctor who sees him, or her. You know--the same sort of people MTG and others say are lying to us about the connection between vaccines and autism.
Then Scientific American tells us what that diagnosis is based on. "The criteria are problems with social communication and interactions and restricted interests or repetitive behaviors. Both of these core features must be present in early development."
Excuse me, but by those standards practically every kid in the world who hits puberty has it. I mean I'm no more of a medical expert than our little Marjie, or RFK Jr, but that sure sounds like what happens during that weird and awkward time when the hormones kick in.
In conclusion, the magazine notes, "The rise in the rates (of autism) have sparked fear of an autism epidemic. But experts agree the bulk of that increase stems from a growing awareness of autism and changes to the condition's diagnostic criteria."
That's right you silly sons of bitches, it isn't the vaccines, it's the people diagnosing the fucking condition.
In the previous century children were considered simply slow, or a little strange, or, more cruelly, just plain dumb. Now parents can tell friends and relatives, "No, it's not my child's fault he isn't doing well in school and he acts withdrawn and odd, he has autism. And it is because of those damn vaccines. That's what Marjorie Taylor Greene says anyway."
Unfortunately for the nation loons like MTG aren't the only ones out there going after vaccines. Robert Kennedy Jr. will be in charge of the nation's healthcare in a shade over a month. To say he is a vaccine skeptic is to put it mildly. One of his advisors is a guy name Aaron Siri. He isn't a doctor either (none of these hacks are), but rather a lawyer. A while back he petitioned the federal government in an attempt to get rid of the polio vaccine.
Now, there is a reason there are scads of people born after the 1950's have never heard of polio. However, in post WWII America it was perhaps the most feared disease in the land. By the late 1940's and early 1950's it had reached pandemic proportions. Polio had spread so much that those of us who are a certain age can tell you we all knew someone who had it. In fact, practically every school had at least two, or three students roaming the halls on crutches, or in wheelchairs because of it. They were the lucky ones, the survivors.
A man named Jonas Salk developed the earliest vaccine for polio. It not only worked, it worked so well public school districts mandated their students must get inoculated in order to attend classes. In less than a decade a disease which had killed tens of thousands of children and adults and crippled an equal number was for all practical purposes eradicated.
The other day when the news hit that Siri was RFK Jr's pal people went what can best be described as, ape shit. This was and is insanity taken to the nth degree. Even many republicans were appalled. So much so Bobby Jr had to tell the public not to worry, he was all for the polio vaccine. A statement which is akin to saying he is in favor of people breathing while they're alive.
And that America is how far down the rabbit hole we have gone. The guy who is going to be in charge of the nation's health just had to reassure people he won't throw out a vaccine which has been effective for nearly three quarters of a century.
Welcome to the 21st century United States. We have freely elected a bunch of carnival barkers who are determined to convince us it isn't science; it's the deep state trying to kill us all.
Ladies and gentlemen, at this rate our next stop will be the application of leeches.