Sunday, June 2, 2024

Guilty at Last, Guilty at Last, Thank God Almighty Guilty at Last

My apologies to Dr. Martin Luther King for paraphrasing his words in a manner which he could have never imagined.

 One outlet said the jury was out 11 hours. Another reported the deliberations took nine hours. What all the experts did agree on though was a quick decision would favor the prosecution. They were right. On Thursday afternoon Donald John Trump became a convicted felon. He was, as we used to say at old John Marshall High School, glued, screwed, and tattooed.  

Earlier, during the trial, Fox News personality, Laura Ingraham had asked on social media, how did America reach a point when people believed a porn star and a crooked lawyer instead of a former President? The answer to that was simple, as soon as the nation became witness to the greatest liar ever born, Donald Trump. In fact for many of us it was easy to believe a stripper/porn actress. turned porn film impresario like Stormy Daniels rather than a guy who lies about everything. Hell, Trump is such a congenital liar he even lies about shit most of us have witnessed with our own eyes. The prosecution never even had to bring up his extensive history of lying during the trial because everyone there already knew it. Donald Trump lying is just a given, like the sun rising in the east. 

Immediately after the verdict was in, Big Don went so wild with rage so unhinged he not only claimed the trial was, "rigged," but, indeed, "The whole country is rigged!" His republican followers, who have begun to dress like him in blue suits, white shirts, and red ties (a more business appropriate look than, than those brown uniforms worn by the Germans in the 1930's) railed as well. The trial was rigged, they howled, the judge was rigged, the jury was rigged. Biden was behind it all, they said. It was, an irate Senator Ted Cruz bellowed, "A miscarriage of justice."

However, as some pointed out, despite all their vitriol and venom for everyone involved in the conviction, none of them came out and said directly, "Donald Trump is an innocent man."

The next day Trump held what he billed as a press conference. It was, in truth, a 30 minute rambling screed, so filled with tangential side trips and repetitions, it bordered on the incomprehensible. After the half hour exercise in self serving, self pitying, bloviating, he stormed out without answering a single question. In the end he didn't say one thing he hasn't already said, but he may have proved, beyond a doubt, he is utterly insane.

The three major cable news outlets, as could be expected, ranged from the stark anger and vows of revenge in the November election on Fox, to the almost giddy atmosphere over on MSNBC. Indeed, the talking heads there might have been saying thoughtful, serious things, but watching them you could tell, somewhere in those studios there was a room filled with streamers, party balloons, hats, and bottles of Cristal Champagne on ice. 

On the other hand, Newsmax, which is the largest of the minor league players in the industry, is so far off into the Trumpian abyss one of their hosts had posted a social media message even before the verdict was rendered urging Trump to flee New York to Florida, or other state which would provide him a, "safe haven."

Then, of course, came the reaction from the MAGA rank and file. Predictibly it was swift and filled with threats of violence. "Someone in NY with nothing to lose should take out Merchan. Hopefully he gets met with illegals with a machete," one wrote. Another posted, "1,000,000 men (armed) should go to Washington and hang everyone." A third said, "AMERICA DESTROYED BY DEMOCRATS. LOCK AND LOAD." And finally we had my personal favorite, "Trump should already know he has an army willing to fight and die for him. if he says the words...I will take up arms if he asks." 

Ah yes, what an eloquent epitaph on a tombstone that will be, "He died for Donald Trump."

Judge Juan Merchan will sentence the former President and presumptive republican nominee for the office on July 11, four days before the GOP convention starts. Sean Hannity is citing the timing further proof of the left wing conspiracy to destroy the candidate. In reality several things have to happen in New York before Merchan can make his determination. One is an interview of Trump by a state Parole Officer which will help determine the severity of the sentence. Most first time offenders don't actually do jail time, although Mr. Trump could spend a few weekends picking up trash alongside FDR Drive as part of a decision to make him perform community service. 

That's one of the many options Judge Merchan has right now. They'll all be appealed as will the verdict itself. The one thing that is clear, at least right now, is Trump is guilty. However, as long as he has his worshippers he will have the money to pay for his legal expenses. After all, as P.T. Barnum said, "There is a sucker born every minute." And if we know one thing on this blue earth, it is Donald Trump's suckers are the most gullible and yet, violent of them all.

Sic vita est


1 comment:

  1. I cannot imagine being found guilty of 34 felonies and not feeling at least a little bit of humility.
