Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Two Flag Sam and Clarence Thomas: The Fix Appears to be In

 Here is how nonpartisan the Supreme Court is supposed to be. If you work there, under any capacity, you are not allowed to publicly take sides with any candidate, or political cause. The rule is so stringent employees of the court are not even allowed to slap a bumper sticker on their cars, much less put campaign signs in their yards, or buttons on their lapels. 

That's the theory anyway. Of course, as we know, rules don't apply to those on the far right--at least that's how they behave. Case in point, the American flag flown upside down in front of Justice Samuel Alito's home for a few days back in 2021. The upside down flag is supposed to be used as a sign of distress. It was first used during protests during the Vietnam War and most recently when gangs of thugs and fanatics stormed the Capitol Building on January 6th that year. It was flying in front of the Alito house the day of Joe Biden's inauguration, an event the Justice and his wife refused to attend.

Martha-Ann Alito has claimed the flag was there in response to a series of yard signs at a neighbor's home, some of which were, "personally insulting." She should know, because according to Justice Alito the whole upside down flag thing was her fault, that he had nothing to do with it. The Alito's were approached the day of the inauguration by a reporter asking about it. Matha-Ann ordered him off the property and for reasons known only to them, various media outlets sat on the story.

Now it turns out another flag was flying at an Alito property around the same time. In front of their Jersey Shore beach home, "An Appeal to Heaven,' flag was flapping in the breeze. It is white, emblazoned with a green pine tree and the words, "An Appeal to Heaven." It originated during the American Revolution, but here in the 21st century it also flew during the failed insurrection on the 6th. In addition, it has recently become popular with the White Nationalist crowd.  

So far, Sam and Martha-Ann haven't commented on its display in Jersey.

Flying a couple of right wing symbols , however is pretty minor shit compared to Virginia Thomas' actions leading up to and during the chaos on the 6th. The wife of Justice Clarence Thomas helped coordinate alliances and the interactions of various far right groups, such as the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers prior to attempted coup. She was in Trump's personal tent on the Ellipse that day, helping herself to shrimp cocktails while different speakers warmed up the crowd for the big man himself. Like most veteran mob capos she left the scene before the real violence began.

Given these circumstances it is reasonable to assume, Justices Thomas and Alito have more on their minds than the Constitution of the United States when it comes to deciding anything concerning Donald John Trump. These two fuckers not only like him, they admire his autocratic aspirations. 

But, as the TV ads say, wait, there is more.

ProPublica is reporting Clarence Thomas, over the years has accepted gifts which include at least 28 flights on private jets, eight on helicopters, a dozen VIP passes to sporting events, and stays at luxury resorts in Jamaica and Florida. His main benefactor is Texas billionaire Harlan Crow who footed the bill for a new home gifted to Thomas' mother. He also paid the college tuition of Thomas' nephew. To say Crow has a fascination with dictators is an understatement. He has a garden full of statues that include people like Joe Stalin, Adolf Hitler and other despots. One of his most prized possessions is a tea pot personally owned and used by Herr Hitler.

In addition ProPublica says Thomas has received gifts from billionaires such as, David Sokol, H. Wayne Huizenga, and Paul Novelly. In 2008 Two Flag Sam accepted an all expenses paid fishing trip to Alaska on the private jet of GOP power donor, Paul Singer. Along for the fun at the private camp was Leonard Leo, head of the Federalist Society, the right wing outfit that picks judicial nominees for guys like Donald Trump. The remote salmon fishing lodge was owned by another big time republican donor, Robin Arkley II.

Ah yes, bribery is an ugly term, but Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas are, at best, living right on the edge of it. To think they would recuse themselves from any case involving their Sugar Daddies, or Donald Trump is a flight into Fantasy Land. Number one they don't want to, number two they can't afford to.

And just think, Donald Trump didn't even appoint these two corrupt clowns, Thomas was appointed by George H. W. Bush and Alito by his kid, George W. Bush. The Trump appointees are Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett, and the known drunkard, Brett Kavanaugh. (Who is already on record saying he thinks Presidents should have immunity from prosecution.)

So, even without the unpredictable and suspect, John Roberts--who has his own source of supplemental income thanks to his wife--that gives Donald Trump the majority he needs on the Supreme Court to get off the hook for attempting to violently overturn the legal election of an incoming President of the United States.

Ladies and gentlemen, unless something totally unforeseen happens, it looks like when it comes to Donald Trump and certain others, the fix is in. 


1 comment:

  1. Nothing like shoveling the blame to your wife. A great example set by one of the most important people in our country.
