Friday, June 28, 2024

Disaster in Atlanta and Panic on the Left

Saying Joe Biden had a bad day yesterday is rather like saying George Custer had a bad day at the Little Big Horn. And it happened in a hurry. You could tell it was all wrong from the moment Biden walked onto the stage. In that instant before he reached the podium he seemed unsure of his balance and frail. His voice, reduced to nearly a whisper, seemed to confirm his frailty. The lack of balance seemed to become more pronounced every time he lost track of his own thoughts during the middle of his answers. 

For democrats to dispel the speculation Joe Biden is too old to handle the job of President they needed the Joe Biden who delivered the State of the Union earlier this year. They needed the Joe Biden who spoke in Normandy earlier this month. What they got instead was the most embarrassing performance since the 1992 Vice Presidential debate when Ross Perot's running mate, James Stockdale suffered a complete brain freeze on national TV. 

It was so bad the, "analysts," on MSNBC immediately began talking about who the democrats might find to replace Biden at the head of the ticket. The talk continued this morning as people like Joe Scarborough began abandoning ship. This rush to replace was so swift in fact, it had the suspicious look of being a pre crafted and rehearsed contingency held in reserve just in case Biden had a night like last night. In short, last night may have proved there have been some in the left leaning media who have been just waiting for an excuse to dump Biden and now they have one.

Mr. Biden did respond better in the last 20, or 30 minutes of the hour and a half debate, He even got a shot, or two in which visibly got under Donald Trump's skin. However by then, he had been completely swamped by Trump's tsunami of bombastic lies which became increasingly unhinged as the night progressed.

Indeed, it didn't take long for Trump to realize the moderators, Dana Bash and Jake Tapper were not going to fact check him and Biden was unable to. Armed with this knowledge by the second half of the event he had lost all restraint--at times seemingly on the verge of ranting about child trafficking rings headquartered in the back rooms of pizza joints and proclaiming himself, a Divine Presence on earth.   

In the end--if you can call anything last night a small victory--Donald Trump didn't prove himself a leader, but rather a malignant, lying, narcissist who is capable of saying he and he alone is the reason the sun rises and the stars shine. Not to mention actually blaming the January 6th insurrection on Nancy Pelosi repeatedly and insisting the rioters who invaded the Capitol Building were invited there by the police. 

That's right baby, forget what you saw happening with your own eyes and all those video tapes showing people like Senator Josh Hawley running for their lives.    

Yes, Biden might have proven himself too old and frail, but Trump used the opportunity to prove himself too fucking nuts. 

So nuts in fact it is doubtful Joe Biden lost a single vote to Donald Trump last night. The votes Biden did lose, and there was quite possibly too many of them, will more than likely be people who will now simply stay at home on election day.

If Biden is to recover from last night's debacle it will take weeks, if not months. He will have to prove his performance during the first debate was a one time aberration, not the new norm. And, he can't screw up again--not in any way, shape, or form.


1 comment:

  1. I have a very bad feeling about this election and have had for many months. This just adds a layer of bitter cake icing.
