Monday, June 24, 2024

Gentlemen, to Your Corners: The Bell is About to Ring

 The last time Joe Biden and Donald Trump appeared on stage together was in 2016. During that appearance, it wasn't really a debate--we haven't had a true Presidential debate since Kennedy-Nixon--things got so out of control Biden finally told Trump, "Will you shut up, man?" Trump really didn't, then went out and lost the election, thanks at least in part to his bully boy tactics that night.

Adding to the chaos was an audience who cheered, hooted, and booed as if they were witnessing a pro wrestling event, rather than two men who were vying to lead not only the republic, but the entire free world. 

Indeed, back in the day it used to be get loud when Rowdy Roddy Piper and Jake the Snake Roberts duked it out in the ring, but neither of those guys were going to deal with the likes of Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, and the Covid-19 virus. One would have hoped for a little more, let's say, decorum at such a time.

This Thursday we won't have to worry about any audience participation, or assistance since there won't be an audience. In fact, there won't even be any campaign aides available during the two scheduled commercial breaks (also a new feature) to act as corner men. 

To prevent any interruptions, or speaking time infractions both men's microphones will be cut off when it isn't their turn to speak, or their answers run long. Whether each will keep talking, even after the mics are shut down, or not is another matter, but it can be presumed moderators, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash won't hesitate to also tell them to, "shut up, man."

Each candidate will be restricted to podiums so they won't be circling each other like gun fighters, ala Barack Obama and Mitt Romney and Trump won't be allowed to stalk Biden like some great orange Sasquatch which is what he did to Hillary Clinton back in 2016. In addition there won't be any opening statements, no mini campaign speeches to kick things off. The entire hour and a half, at least in theory will be a Q and A session with Tapper and Bash doing the asking. 

How this joint appearance turns out is anyone's guess. Questions about both men's weakness are rife in the media. We do know Biden sometimes struggles with his stuttering problem, which Trump and his followers like to blame on everything from incompetence to outright senility. Trump, on the other hand, especially lately, has at times not only sounded unfamiliar with the English language, but utterly unhinged. For proof of that you need look no further than his recent rally in Las Vegas, when, as supporters collapsed from the heat , he rambled on about the dangers of battery operated boats and shark attacks.   

Democrats base their cautious optimism mainly on Biden's performance at the last State of the Union Address. On that night the old man, didn't just hold his own, he kicked the GOP's ass. They may have denied it, but they knew it was true. That's why almost immediately afterward the MAGA mob and Trump himself claimed Biden was on drugs. Trump has taken it even further, at another recent rally he predicted Joe Biden would be as, "high as a kite." 

The MAGAs haven't disclosed of which drug Biden was on then, or might be on Thursday. However, speaking as one who used to, occasionally become, you know, "high as a kite," I can testify honestly that I never found any drug which improved either my mental acuity, or speaking ability in any way, shape, or form.

The truth is though, during the State of the Union Joe Biden had complete control of the microphone and he didn't have to answer a single question. That won't happen Thursday. He is going to have respond to pointed questions and formulate responses right there in the moment and we all know that isn't his strong suit. 

It isn't Trump's either, but he won't struggle with it like Biden will. If El Donald doesn't know the answer, or want to address the query, he will simply ignore it and spend the next two minutes lying about how great the country was doing while he was in charge. For this Messiah, some truths he makes up, others, that he finds inconvenient, he ignores. He has made a career of it.

It will be completely up to Tapper and Bash to keep Trump on track and pin him down and no one, as of yet, has been able to accomplish that particular feat--not even his wife.

As always Trump is already making excuses for a poor showing while lowering the bar for himself. He claimed in front of one crowd that he will not only be debating Joe Biden, but also Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. He also told them the debate is rigged and that, thanks in part to the leftist media the entire country is rigged against Donald John Trump. This complaint is part of his never ending game which involves ricocheting accusations that Biden and the democrats are capable of vast and complex plots and conspiracies while at the same time the President is a total incompetent fool, and the left wing is full of entitled idiots who want others to pay for their decadent lifestyles.

The Donald never tires of this impossible duality and neither does his cult, or the entire right wing media establishment. 

What we do know for sure is, short of one of two geezers keeling over during the middle of it all, by the end of the night both sides will claim victory. That's a given. And, as always, Donald Trump will try to steal the spotlight, not necessarily on the stage, but rather either before, or after by unveiling his pick for a VP candidate. One, who no doubt, won't be nearly as queasy about corrupting the Constitution like Mike Pence turned out to be. 

Gentlemen, to your corners, the bell is about to ring.


1 comment:

  1. All I ask is that the moderators are fair and both men are treated equally! Get out the popcorn, grab a beer and buckle up!
