Friday, May 24, 2024

What Happened to the United States

I nearly escaped death.

A line written by Donald J. Trump in a recent fund-raising email claiming the DOJ and FBI agents had been authorized to use deadly force during a search of his Mar a Lago residence in 2022.

No, I didn't typo that. It is exactly what the presumptive republican nominee for the office of President of the United States wrote. Now, I know a couple of guys who narrowly escaped death in Vietnam. I suppose I could even say I barely escaped death when I had a heart attack last year. However, I can honestly tell you, I have never known of a person on this blue ball who has ever, "nearly," escaped death then lived to write about it, let alone fund raise off the experience.

All this nonsense began when someone in the Trump campaign--it wouldn't have been Trump himself, apparently he hardly ever reads--realized that in the search warrant executed that night two years ago there was a boiler plate page that is included in every FBI warrant. It is standard procedure and it allows agents to carry weapons, but it also details the narrow set of conditions under which they can use them. In other words it says the FBI can't go charging in gun blazing. They have to be met with violence in order to respond in kind. It was, in fact, part of the paperwork used to search Joe Biden's home for documents.

The truth doesn't matter to the MAGA crowd though. It never has and never will. It didn't take long for Marjorie Taylor Greene to post, in part, "The Biden DOJ and FBI were planning to assassinate Pres Trump and gave the green light. Does anyone get it get it yet???!!! Republican congressman Paul wrote, "Biden ordered the hit on Trump at Mar a Lago." Christina Bobb, the, Trump attorney, who signed a statement saying there weren't any documents at Mar a Lago before the search was conducted wrote, "WTF!! They were prepared to kill me?! A few dozen FBI agents v. me and they were ready to kill me?!!! What in the world happened to the United States of America?"

The answer to that question is fairly simple, but Christina Bobb probably won't like it when she hears it.

Democratic strategist, Max Burns noted the Twilight Zone style irony in Trump's outrage. He wrote for MSNBC, "After all, it was Trump's legal team that earlier this month claimed before the Supreme Court that Presidents could legally assassinate their political rivals." 

Indeed, the dark side of this episode of absurdist comedy is Donald Trump is claiming Joe Biden wanted him killed, because that's exactly what Trump himself would do if he had the chance. All he has to do as President is declare it, "an official act," and then sit out another impeachment attempt. All with the knowledge he can legally take out any member of Congress who is in favor of it. That is precisely what Clarence Thomas, Sam Alito, Brett Kavanaugh--who has already written a paper saying he believes President should have legal immunity--and the rest are deciding right now.

If you don't think Donald John Trump is capable of it then, you haven't heard a word the man has been saying on the campaign trail.

And that, Ms. Bobb is what happened to the Unted States of America. Donald Trump and the MAGA mob following him have happened.

sic vita est


1 comment:

  1. I think it is possible the self-induced stress of the last few years has gotten to him.
