Monday, May 13, 2024

Paul Bondar, the Candidate from Parts Unknown

 Down in Oklahoma's fourth Congressional District veteran Representative, Tom Cole is facing four opponents in the republican primary. Three of those four, Nick Hankins, Rick Harris, and Andrew Hayes have, at least for now, not run any TV ads. In all likelihood the reason is because they simply don't have the money to do so. Let's face it, it is tough to drum up contributions when you are facing a guy who has been in the seat for 22 years, is now chairman of the powerful Appropriations Committee, and so staunchly republican he voted against certification of the 2020 Presidential election results. Not to mention that two years ago he beat his democratic opponent 66+% to 33%.

 In some quarters, though none of that matters. Cole's fourth primary opponent is Paul Bondar and he does have the cash to buy up scads of TV air time. It isn't clear where Bondar gets those funds, although apparently he is rich enough to have paid for barrage of ads himself. Yes, according to reports and the ads themselves the man is fabulously well to do. However, there is a second question and the answer to it seems far more unfathomable than the first. It turns out no one can or will say exactly where this Marjie Taylor Greene wanna be actually lives.  

His insurance business is licensed in Illinois and he has a home there. He also has a home in Heath, Texas, where he is registered to vote. As one might guess, Heath and indeed all of Texas are not in Oklahoma's fourth Congressional District. In fact, as near as anyone can tell, Mr. Bondar has never lived in Oklahoma. According to the Oklahoma City NBC affiliate, KFOR they cannot confirm Bondar is either currently or ever has been a resident of the state. 

During a Zoom interview with KFOR, Bondar claimed he and his family are temporarily renting a home in Stonewall, OK while they build a, "forever," home on 500 acres outside of Durant, which is also not in the fourth district, although it's at least in the same state. KFOR asked, Bondar if he listed the rental property in Stonewall, which is near Ada, as his residence on the election filing documents. He told them he had. A quick check proved that statement is a lie. He listed an address in Norman (in the fourth at last) with the FEC. The outlet found that address is a property solely owned by a woman named, Nicole Kish. No one has identified Ms. Kish and it is unknown if she is even aware Paul Bondar exists.   

Bondar originally volunteered he had been asked to run for the seat by, "political consultants," although he didn't say who. We can take a guess though. In one of his ads he is shown in a photo standing next to Trump stooges, Roger Stone and Michael Flynn. In the KFOR interview he only referred to them as friends and said he was running because he had talked to, "many people," in the district who asked him to mount a campaign against Cole. 

That campaign's most frequent TV ad tells us, among other things, Paul Bondar is a, "successful business owner, a devout Christian, and a Trump republican." It also says Cole has voted with democrats to increase federal spending and has voted for billions in aid to Ukraine. It proudly explains Paul Bondar opposes all aid to Ukraine and wants to use the money to, "secure our border." Then, right on cue, there is a photo of the candidate brandishing an AR-15 style weapon as he stands guard at a section of the wall built by Donald Trump.  

When KFOR asked Bondar where he was while the interview was taking place he replied, "I'm in an office." When KFOR asked him where that office was located he asked them to repeat the question because the signal was breaking up. When asked again he repeated, "I'm in an office." After he was asked if the office was somewhere in the state of Oklahoma he finally admitted it was not. "But," he told them, "I plan to be back up there this week."

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr. Paul Bondar. Once again proving no matter how far to the right you go, republicans will always find someone crazier than you--even if they don't know where the fuck he lives.


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