Sunday, September 15, 2024

Laura Loomer in Trump's Ear and His Head

 I don't control Laura Loomer. She's a free spirit. She's strong and has strong opinions, but that's not up to me.

Donald John Trump, current republican nominee for the President of the United States

Yeah, Don, but you wanted to hire her for your campaign months ago. Reports say aides and advisors talked you out of it mainly because they didn't want her anywhere near you, or them. Then you showed up in Philadelphia for the debate with Kamala Harris and there she was on your private jet, traveling with you, happpily chatting you up. Later that day you went down the rabbit hole about Haitian migrants eating people's pets, accusing the Vice President and her father of being Marxists, and democrats of promoting the executions of newborns by evil doctors.

No wonder your staff didn't want her around. 

Of course, it didn't help that the next day you showed up at 9-11 memorials with her in tow even though she has pushed the theory that the horrific events of that day in 2001 were an inside job which continues to be covered up by, "our lying government." That would be the same government you were head of for four very long years. 

Years ago on a weird and alcohol soaked night in New Orleans I was part of a group who hit a bar which was so wild and disreputable the locals considered it impossible to get thrown out of. We were so out of control at that point we got the heave ho after only ten minutes. Laura Loomer on the other hand has been ejected from criminal trial proceedings, a house energy and commerce committee hearing, a book signing event, at least one campaign rally, and has been arrested for trespassing after she jumped onstage during a Shakespeare in the Park production of Julius Caesar. The people who run the annual Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) meeting found her conspiracy theories and hate speech so grotesque they wouldn't allow her to attend--an accomplishment for a right-wing activist which was as unthinkable as our removal from that New Orleans dive. And while we were hammered, Ms. Loomer, presumably, pulled all that shit while she was stone cold sober.  

Because she violated their terms of agreement which bans hate speech, Laura Loomer has been kicked off, the old Twitter and the blogging platform, Medium. In addition she  is no longer allowed on the Uber  and Lyft apps for her continuous complaining she could never find a non-Muslim driver. PayPal, GoFundMe, Venmo, Facebook and Instagram have also told her to go away and not come back.

That's quite a record for a 31 year old who apparently has the ear of a man who could be the next President.

Ms. Loomer has vehemently denied she is a white supremacist--which would be a little awkward for all those involved since she is Jewish. She does however identify herself as a white nationalist and a, "proud Islamaphobe." To prove it, for a short time on Alex  Jones' Infowars program. Yes, that would be the same Alex Jones who now owes about a billion dollars to various people because he claimed their murdered kids weren't actually real and that they weren't really grieving parents, but crisis actors hired by the feds for a, "black flag operation." 

After Laura Loomer wrote on social media that if Kamala Harris were elected the the White House would smell like curry, Presidential announcements would be announced via call centers, and citizens concerns would be heard only through telephone customer surveys, Marjorie Taylor Greene screamed she was a racist. It is unclear at tis time whether the Congresswoman actually believes that, or she is simply jealous Donald Trump is getting his ultra right wing craziness from someone besides her. 

In any event it is becoming apparent, especially those who had the silly idea the man should try to expand his base, that Donald Trump has completely abandoned everybody who doesn't buy into the most vile racist and bizarre conspiracy theories floating around the internet. Yes, he seems intent on strengthening his core by shrinking it--by weeding out the few remaining sane people who support him. How else can you explain the presence of someone like Laura Loomer in his entourage?

She sure isn't there to make him sound rational.


1 comment:

  1. Not much concerning Trump surprises me, although the Laura thing comes close.
