Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Appealing to Women Voters, MAGA Style

You will no longer be abandoned, lonely, or scared. You will no longer be in danger--you're not going to be in danger any longer. You will no longer have anxiety from all the problems our country has today. You will be protected and I am your protector. You will be happy, healthy, confident, and free. You will no longer be thinking about abortion.

Donald J. Trump, current republican Presidential nominee and convicted felon, addressing the women at a recent political rally.

Pretty eloquent words from a guy who is on the hook for about 90 million bucks for sexually assaulting a woman in a department store dressing room. Not to mention one facing jail time for covering up a hush money payment to a porn actress after a sordid encounter with her--while his wife was home with his newborn baby.  

While Big Don might have said he was addressing women one suspects his real target was all those white MAGA types, no matter what the gender. You know, all those racists and xenophobes who are petrified the white power establishment is coming to an end. That notion seemed to be confirmed when he throws in a bit about women in the suburbs (and presumably their husbands and children) being under, "migrant criminal siege." Then tells the crowd, ""I will fix all that and fast and at long last, this nation--our national nightmare will end. It will end, we've gotta end this national nightmare. Because I am your protector. I want to be your protector." 

That is rhetoric which sounds like it is straight out of 1932 Germany. Or current day North Korea.

However, let's get back to the subject at hand, so to speak. How can the GOP attract more women voters? Perhaps they can nominate more down ballot candidates like Mark Robinson in North Carolina. He is the guy who told women they wouldn't need abortions if they, "Kept their pants up and their skirts down." The republican gubernatorial candidate shared that bon mot with us long before CNN came out with a story about how he used to hang out at a porn site called, "Nude Africa." Not only that, the report claimed, but he left a series of messages in one of the site's chat rooms. In one he talked about how his early sexual proclivities were shaped by spying on women using public showers. Another revealed that, despite his recent homophobic rants, he really was turned on by sex scenes that included transgender men--or, as they say in the business, "shemales." 

Meanwhile, up in Ohio the republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, Bernie Moreno recently had this to say at a town hall meeting: "Sadly, by the way, there's a lot of suburban women, a lot of suburban women, that are like, 'Listen, abortion is it. If I can't have an abortion in this country whenever I want, I will vote for anybody else" To drive his point home, Moreno added, "It's a little crazy by the way, but--especially for women that are like past 50. I'm thinking to myself, I don't think that's an issue for you." 

Well, Bernie, since you are biologically incapable of giving birth, maybe abortion rights shouldn't be an issue for you either. But, hey, let's not delve into political theory and speculation. After all, despite what J.D. Vance believes the law of the land clearly states the votes of childless cat women count just as much as yours and his. (Not to mention the vote of that self-described, "perv," Mark Robinson who is on record saying women shouldn't be allowed to vote at all.)

While not being a professional political campaign operative, it does appear clowns like these and Trump himself, might not be the sort of crowd which attracts the elusive women's demographic.  

Indeed, at this point the most puzzling part about the GOP's shrinking support among women voters is they genuinely seem--yes--puzzled by it. At the same rally he told women he was their, "protector," the guy, who is on tape saying because he is a celebrity women let him latch onto their genitals (E. Jean Carroll being the obvious exception) told the crowd, '"I always thought women liked me. I never thought I had a problem. But the fake news keeps saying women don't like me. I don't believe it."


Obviously, some women do like Donald Trump. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Laura Loomer come to mind. The truth though is, there are a hell of a lot of women out there who don't. And trust me, Don, you can't blame that dislike on the, "fake news." Those women don't like you simply because of what you've said and done during the entire twisted course of your, "I can grab 'em by the pussy," life.

In other words, Mr. Trump, many women don't want you to be the, "Protector," because they consider you the threat.



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