Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A Would-be Assassin Driven by insanity and Two Canidates Driven by Lies and Xenophobia

 In 2016 Ryan Routh voted for Donald Trump. That love affair didn't last long though. By 2020 Routh was saying he considered Trump a, "buffoon." That was just part of his life, however. Brother Routh was also busy getting popped by the police for things like receiving stolen goods, illegally operating a motor vehicle, and possession of a fully automatic machine gun. He had been involved in confrontations with the cops, including at least one instance where he barricaded himself in a place while armed. 

In short, Mr. Routh, like Donald Trump, is a man who has been convicted on multiple felony counts. In theory he should have never been able to get his hands on the weapon he abandoned at the scene when a Secret Service agent opened fire on him. Unfortunately, this being America, he didn't have any problem doing so.

Not long after Russia invaded Ukraine Routh became fixated on the war. He traveled to Kyiv, saying he was ready to volunteer, fight, and die for Ukraine. Since the Ukrainian army didn't want him (they said it was because he was too old and had no military experience, although one has to suspect there was more to it now) he managed to get a touch of fame by being interviewed by the New York Times and Newsweek Romania. He also tried to make a name for himself by pushing the idea of recruiting Afghan soldiers to fight for the nation. After the Ukrainians rejected that idea too, he came back to the states. 

The obvious question is why would the Ukrainians reject any help as Russan troops poured into their country--besides the age and lack of experience thing. The answer to that one is fairly simple. In an interview with The New Republic, a Canadian military veteran, Kevin Leach, described Routh this way: "The word across useful volunteer networks is how fucking certifiable this guy behaved, how he treated everybody like shit."  He added, "The guy was clearly not moored to reality." 

Back in the states, Routh initially proved that assessment by sending Elon Musk a social media message which read, "I would like to buy a rocket from you. I want to load it with a warhead for Putin's Black Sea mansion bunker to end him. The rocket doesn't have to be new. It can be old and used as not returning."

As we know the second time was when he pointed his AK-47 style weapon toward Donald Trump.    

Since then the entire MAGA cult has been blaming the incident on democrats in general and Kamal Harris in particular. The left's never ending hate speech aimed at Donald Trump incited Ryan Routh to his mad act, they say. 

Really? Because it sure sounds to me like Ryan Wesley Routh was already in the crazy place--he didn't need any incitement. All he needed was a time, a place, and another weapon. And he found all of those on his own.

However, on the subject of the results of hate speech, in Springfield, OH, public buildings and schools have been closed for days thanks to threats of violence. All the fear and chaos has been directly caused by a lie, knowingly told by VP nominee, J.D. Vance, then repeated by Donald Trump during the Presidential debate. Reports are now saying that when Vance first heard the rumors of dog eating immigrants, he instructed a staffer to verify them. The staffer made a call, or two to Springfield officials who told him there was nothing to it. When the aide delivered the news to Vance the candidate was apparently severely disappointed, so he just claimed it was true anyway.

Then the man who would be President picked up on it as he raged in Philadelphia in front of an amused Kamala Harris and, if they were watching, no doubt a horrified bunch of Haitians living in Springfield. 

Vance has since told the media he had no qualms, "creating," a story to draw attention to the suffering of native Ohioans in Springfield. Now he is angrily accusing the media of obsessing with the story, rather than all that suffering, which so far, he has failed to articulate. 

On Friday during an impromptu news conference Donald Trump told reporters, "I can say this, we will do large deportations from Springfield, Ohio--large deportations. We're going to get these people out. We are bringing them back to Venezuela." 

Don't ever speak about Joe Biden's mental capabilities again. The current republican nominee just showed us, 1, he either doesn't know, or care the immigrants in Springfield are there legally and 2. he thinks Haitians come from Venezuela. 

Good God man, if you are going to persecute people at least figure out where they come from. 

All this vile xenophobic pet eating shit is getting dangerously close to the ghoulish Nazi lie that Jews drink the blood of Christian babies. Not to mention the slightly milder QANON version which has a vast international cabal of Hollywood types and liberals kidnapping and molesting boatloads of children. 

We are getting close to the day and at this point we are faced with two terrifying questions. Why do the republican nominees, Donald Trump and J.D. Vance think these reprehensible lies will win them the White House?  And, given what these two monsters are saying, why is this election still too close to call?  

 The answers to both are equally appalling.


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