Friday, August 23, 2024

The Democrats Party Hearty as Kamala Harris has the Fat Old Degenerate on the Run

 You'll never be able to say the democrats don't know how to throw a party. Their convention opened in Chicago on Mondy and over those next four days the good times rolled. In fact, the enthusiasm was so wildly intense those running the event didn't seem to care if people at home could stay up late enough to hear the keynote speeches, or not. How else can you describe it when on Monday, President Joe Biden didn't start talking until well after 11pm Eastern Time. 

His starting time Monday night was pushed back so often the Fox News propagandists even began to claim democrats were either insulting Biden, or attempting to hide him from a prime time audience due to his mental deterioration. The party leadership disproved that theory when over the next two nights former President Barack Obama and the Vice Presidential nominee, Tim Walz didn't start until after 11pm either. 

Last night the democrats finally got their timing right, although, thanks to Bill Clinton it was closer than it should have been. The party nominee for President, Kamala Harris got to the stage a little before 10;:30pm Eastern. She finished well after 11. No one in the hall seemed to care though and by the time Ms. Harris was done talking a lot of people watching from home didn't either. 

To put it simply, Kamala Harris nailed it. 

The former District Attorney looked into the eyes of the jury, presented her qualifications and outlined her case. She then vigorously prosecuted the felon--a term she seemed to relish using--and finally, made her closing argument. The crowd, which had been raucous all evening went berserk with joy and exuberance.

Indeed, hope had been renewed and the skies had cleared. In that moment as red, white and blue balloons cascaded down and American flags waved throughout the delegates, it finally felt like a second Trump term wasn't inevitable. That's right baby, Kamala Harris kicked Donald Trump's ass and now she has the fat old degenerate on the run. 

Trump, himself, proved just as much. He apparently was desperately posting nonsense on social media during the Harris speech. Immediately after she was done he was on the phone and on the air with the Fox News talking heads demanding they allow him to respond to the address--in other words,the man was frantic for attention. Unfortunately for The Big Orange Guy after a few minutes Fox abruptly pulled the plug on him in order to get to their regular programming. 

Yes, it looks like Fox News has come to the decision Greg Gutfeld is better for their ratings than Donald Trump. They might have been right. Especially when you consider the former President spent much of the phone call telling everyone it is his campaign and not Harris' which has the momentum, that her speech contained a lot of, "complaints," and then spun into a rant about democrats kicking Joe Biden out of the party. 

No doubt the execs at Fox felt broadcasting insane lies are one thing, but broadcasting reruns of insane lies are another. 

After watching that convention it is easy to be overly optimistic. (Democrats even managed to turn the roll call of state and territorial delegations into a mini-rock concert for God's sake.) However, the 2024 presidential campaign is now a dead heat and an all out sprint for the finish line. Trump is a cornered beast and that makes him even more dangerous than before. He is already calling Kamala Harris' father a Marxist and the candidate herself at Communist. He is posting AI generated images along with outrageous captions on social media and his lies about what is happening in this country are growing more racist and xenophobic every day. His never-ending drumbeat of chaos and doom is powerful. In far too many bars and churches fear, homophobia, and misogyny are easy sells and Trump knows it. The outcome in a handful of precincts in places like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin could determine the election one way or the other. 

And as hard as it is to admit it during the current euphoria Kamala Harris is vulnerable. Trump even touched on it during his demented phone call last night. Mainly, why is the Vice President promising to fix stuff she and Joe Biden have already had three and a half years to fix? (My killing immigration reform doesn't count, it's the other stuff.)  J.D. Vance has made that point also. We can be certain he will go there again before this is over.

The election is going to be a close run thing. Earlier this year I felt that even though Biden had screwed up the debate he could survive if he ran a perfect campaign through election day. Obviously, he felt that way too, but understood he couldn't, so he dropped out. The truth is, while Kamala Harris hasn't fucked up yet her campaign has to remain flawless also. Or, to put it into football terms, you can have all the momentum in the world, but if you fumble the ball it is gone in an instant. 


1 comment:

  1. Trump doesn't know what to do with her and I am delighted.
